25. well that complicates things

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As soon as her eyes opened, Juniper sat up straight with a loud, sharp inhale. She took in the state that her room was in, absolutely trashed from the holidays and getting ready for the Yule Ball. Her dress was screwed up in a ball at the door, and so was the outfit she wore to the after party.
Both of which she only remembered very small pieces of.
She sat as still as she could, trying to control the nausea that was creeping up on her, and trying to fond the energy to actually get up. It felt like she had been hit by a truck, rubbing her eyes with her hands to try and wake herself up, only making her headache somehow worse.
She slowly opened her tired eyes again, noticing that she was only in her underwear and bra, instead of her pyjamas.

"Huh?" She grunted to herself, so confused by what was happening. As she went to lay back down, the covers next to her moved. She was the most confused she had ever been, struggling to understand how the covers moved, why she was almost naked, and why she felt so horrible. The covers moved once again, revealing who was under them. "What the f-?" She screamed, pushing herself off the bed and landing on the stone ground.

"Good morning to you to." Fred mumbled, his voice low and hoarse. He turned to see the empty spot in the bed where Juniper had been.

"What..." Juniper started, getting up off the ground but walking far away from the bed. "Huh? What did... how? I don't... what?"

"Are you okay?" Fred raised his eyebrows, his hands resting behind his head while he watched Juniper with amusement.

"Did... did we?" She pointed to him, to herself, then back to him, before whispering. "Have sex?"

"What?" He whispered back, teasing her.

"Did we... have sex?" She said a little bit louder, not wanting to hear herself. His silence began to scare her, her breaths quickening into hyperventilation.

"No! No we didn't." He reassured her. "Trust me, you would remember if we did."

"Okay, okay." Juniper breathed to herself, fanning her face with her hands, she paced around the room for a minute, collecting her thoughts. She hesitantly walked back to the bed, sitting on the very edge, as far from Fred as she could. "What happened then?"

"Well you really wanted to, even more than I wanted to-."

"I'm sure thats debatable." She interrupted, noticing the annoyed look on his face before she pretended to zip her lips shut.

"We got here and you started to... undress." Fred said, ignoring the way Juniper cringed at his words. "Then we made out for a bit before you said something about being wasted, so I stopped."

"Well... you were pretty drunk too." Juniper had her face in her hands, but was still trying to justify.

"I was sober." He said with no trace of regret or embarrassment.

"What?" Juniper's head snapped up, her heart rushing with heat at the thought of a clear-minded Fred wanting her.

"Didn't drink a drop."

"What are you doing here then?" She questioned, crossing her legs, she couldn't help but feel comfortable around him.

"You're the one that decided to come to your room. I was fine with... progressing... in my bed" He raised his eyebrows suggestively, watching the thoughts race through Juniper's brain.

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