28. mr. 'two timer'

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"What's that look for?" Draco asked Juniper from across the table at dinner, still visibly unhappy from what happened in potions. Juniper was staring down at the letter and owl had brought her before they started eating, chewing the inside of her lip.

"It's just a letter from my grandmother." Juniper waved it off, ignoring the way Draco's eyebrows raised, his eyes shifting around the table. He knew straight away to not ask any more questions.

"What about?" Pansy asked, resting her chin on her hand, playing with her food. Juniper glanced at Draco before lying seamlessly.

"She just wanted to change the time I'm meeting her tomorrow for lunch."

"Then why do you look like you're about to be sick?" Pansy pushed.

"I just..." The letter flashed across Juniper's mind, the word 'emergency' written in big, bold letters. "I think I've caught a bug or something. Nothing to worry about."

"Well don't breathe near me, I don't wanna look like that." Pansy turned her nose up, shuffling closer to Draco.

"Thanks." Juniper said, rolling her eyes to herself, turning back to the letter. She folded it as small as she could, and shoved it into the inner pocket of her robe.

"Guess what happened in potions, Draco." Pansy continued on, filling Draco in on how Harry, Ron and Hermione were separated and the magazine made its way through the school. Juniper stopped listening once Pansy started over-embellishing the story, and let her eyes wander around the room, her mind flooding with panic.
If she tilted her head at the right angle she could see Fred over at the Gryffindor table, looking about as miserable as Draco did. And when Juniper leaned back an inch, she could see Angelina playing with his hair, talking his ear off.

"How about we finally get to that date you promised me." Angelina whispered to Fred, batting her eyelashes, even though he wasn't looking at her.

"Alright." He mumbled, tilting his head back to drink the last of his pumpkin juice. As he put his goblet down, he caught Juniper glaring at Angelina from two tables away.

"You know the one we were meant to have the night of the Yule Ball." Angelina tried to remind him. "When you said you'd spend the night with me, then never showed."

"Really? That's interesting." Fred said quietly, admiring the way Juniper had left her hair natural today, with little ringlets framing her face while the rest was pulled back.

"Are you listening to me?" Angelina huffed, gently shoving him to get his attention. Fred only realised Angelina had touched him by the way Juniper's expression soured, her nose scrunching out of disgust. 

"What?" Fred asked. The small, amused smile on his lips disappeared once he saw how annoyed Angelina was.

"Seriously?" Angelina sighed, looking across the table at George. "What have you two been up to lately? He can barely focus on a conversation."

"Don't blame me!" George raised his hands to defend himself. "Our plans are at a standstill for now. Unless you want to donate to the Weasley fund?" George winked, holding his hand out for money, which Angelina playfully slapped away.

"Fred?" She noticed him daydreaming again, having to snap her fingers in front of his face to wake him up. "What's so interesting that even I can't hold your attention? Hm?"

"Nothing." He said quietly, glancing quickly at George. "What were you talking about?"

"How you suck at paying attention." Angelina laughed, still trying to get an answer.

"No before that." He rolled his eyes, wanting to divert the conversation back. He was getting more and more irritated that Angelina was just wasting his time, when he could've been focusing on Juniper.

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