61. never beating the attempted murder allegations

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At the next Dumbledore's Army meeting, everyone had managed to produce a Patronus Charm, even if was only for a split second. Except for Juniper. She couldn't think of a happy memory, let alone hold onto it long enough to have a charm. Any memory she thought of was overshadowed by how horrible she felt, and whatever tragic even occurred after the memory. Even her memories with Fred were just about useless, now that they had been broken up for over a month. She had thought after their Prefect Bathroom stunt, they'd be back to normal, but Fred hadn't talked to her since that night, which was two weeks ago. And tomorrow would've been their first Valentine's day together, which had ruined Juniper completely.
Once Harry dismissed the group, Juniper watched everyone slowly funnel out of the room, sliding in with a group of Hufflepuffs so she could leave sneakily, and headed to the prefects bathroom, where she could enjoy the rest of her time away from Pansy and Draco. They had given up on their patrol, but Draco was still hovering due to the Theo stint.
When she entered the bathroom, she didn't draw a bath, or lock herself in a toilet stall, she just sat on the marble counter in front of the mirrors, her knees tucked beneath her chin. She sat in silence, recounting her fight with Fred, thinking of things she should've said, realising moments where she should paused for a second longer, or let him talk without cutting him off. Thinking of what he had last said to her, that he missed her. But if he missed her that much, he would've done something about it by now.
She tried to dissect the look he gave her in the meeting. He hadn't given her any hint to who was choosing to believe. He could've decided that accusing Molly was so horrible, that he vowed to never talk to Juniper again. Which Juniper thought was heartachingly fair.
Juniper quickly found herself repeating the same thoughts over and over in her head, desperate to speak them out loud. And Fred was normally the person who'd listen. She had been sitting by herself for a long time, when she saw the light creep in through the door.

"Are you in here, Juniper?" Hermione called through the bathroom. Juniper shrunk further into herself, trying to remain hidden from Hermione, which didn't work in the slightest. Hermione caught sight of her as soon as she turned the corner, her face relaxing into a relieved grin. "Have you been in here since the meeting? You missed dinner! What are you doing on the bench?"

"I just needed somewhere to think. Alone." Juniper shrugged, her guard shooting straight up.

"No offence, but I don't think that's a good idea." Hermione said, jumping onto the counter beside Juniper, crossing her legs. "I wanted to talk to you when we got back, but Fred told me to give you some time and space."

"Right." Juniper said bluntly, shuffling away slightly. Hermione took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. "I guess a month is enough time."

"I'm sorry I didn't get you anything for Christmas." She said, looking straight at Juniper, who was avoiding all eye contact. "And I'm sorry no one else did either. I know you don't normally celebrate the holidays, but I still should've done something to make you feel more included, Juniper."

"It's okay, Hermione." Juniper said calmly.

"No, it's not. I could've made you something, done something, or even said something. But I didn't, I was too wrapped up in Harry, and Kreacher, and Mr. Weasley-."

"How is he?"

"Uh Kreacher? He's... I don't know, he's a house elf for a pureblood family, he hopes I die soon. So... pretty normal." Hermione sputtered, confused but still supportive of Juniper's question.

"No, Mr. Weasley?" Juniper clarified, a tiny, minuscule smile creeping onto her face.

"Oh! He's doing a lot better." Hermione laughed at herself. "He asked where you were when we went to the hospital actually, he was really excited to see you."

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