3. new teacher

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"Hiya Junibelle!" Matilda Aplenty sung to Juniper as she dropped her potions textbook on the table. She swung her legs over the stool and arched her neck to see what her friend was scratching into the desk.

"Hi Tilly." Juniper mumbled in response, focusing on the small heart she was making with her fingernail. Even if Snape caught her, he'd let it slide, he had a total soft spot for Juniper. 

"So, how was your first day? Your holidays? We haven't caught up yet." Matilda swiped at Junipers hand, forcing her to pay attention. Juniper eyes met Matilda's deep grey ones, crinkling at the corner with her wide smile. She was the kindest person Juniper had met, despite how rude or negative Juniper was, Matilda would always outweigh her with positivity and love. 

"Boring." Juniper shrugged a shoulder, looking back at her etched heart. "Started dating Malfoy." 

"What?" Matilda's mouth dropped, she looked to the table in the corner of the rom, where Draco and his Slytherin clan were tasting the ingredients they found in the open storeroom. Her smile faltered with disappointment, before she tucked her bottom lip behind her teeth to stop laughing. "You're lying to me."

"I'm not." Juniper looked over her shoulder too, sighing at what she was seeing. "It was his idea. Besides, he's not bad to look at." 

"That isn't the point, June. He only hangs out with people who eat Lacewing Flies for fun." Matilda tears her eyes away from that corner before she gags. 

"And me. He hangs out with me, and I don't eat flies." Juniper points out, slumping back in her seat, swinging her legs. 

"Who said you eat flies?" Blaise slides into a stool on the girls' table, Matilda straightening her posture as soon as she sees him. They share a glance before both turning to Juniper. 

"Tilly. She's dissing my boyfriend." Juniper shrugs, smirking at Matilda, knowing that the attention from Blaise will make her face burn bright red. 

"Well it's hard not to." Blaise scoffs, his tongue in his cheek. "The kid is a massive brat."

"And name a Slytherin that isn't." Juniper rolls her eyes jokingly, noticing that Professor Snape is now at the front of the room, waiting for silence. 

The only interesting class Juniper had for that day was Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Gryffindors, which was always taught by a nutjob of a teacher, and this year didn't seem to be any different. Once Juniper actually got a look at Professor Lupin, she realised how doomed thee class was for the year. His clothes were worn out and his hair was scruffed, he looked like he had barely woken up for the day. As soon as Juniper walked into the classroom with Draco, Professor Lupin led the entire class through the hallways, up and into the teachers lounge. 

"What does this dumpty have planned for us?" Juniper scoffed to herself, earning a laugh from Draco who was standing behind her protectively. The class gathered around a mirrored wardrobe in the middle of the room, watching it rattle and shake as though there was an animal inside of it. 

"Can anybody tell me what a Boggart looks like." Professor Lupin said once everyone had finished their conversations. He had a small smile on his face, excited to teach the class. 

"Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears most." Hermione Granger said from the front of the class, wiggling her way on between Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

"Very good." Professor Lupin smiles at her, making his way in front of the wardrobe to look at us all. "There is a simple charm to repel a Boggart, we'll practise it now, without wands. Riddikulus."

"Riddikulus." The entire class repeats.

"Good, good. A little louder." 

"Riddikulus!" The class chants again, barely louder than the last time they said it. 

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