1. first day of third year

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"Looking as darling as ever, Jones." Draco Malfoy's familiar voice said as he waltzed into the compartment Juniper was sitting in by herself. 

"Hello Draco." She responded, not looking up from her homework that was sprawled on the table in front of her. Draco made his way in, sliding onto the seat in front of her. Pansy, Crabbe and Goyle filed in after him, filling the room up. 

"Did you seriously not do that over the break?" Pansy Parkinson snarled from behind Draco, eyeing Juniper up and down. 

"Y-You can copy mine if you want." Crabbe swallowed hard, sitting next to Juniper, but still keeping his distance. She looked him up and down, a subtle look of disgust across her face. 

"No thanks." She said slowly, turning her eyes back from him. "I'm good."

"You're hair isn't as pink, Jellyhead, what did you do to it." Pansy continued, eyeing Draco for his response. 

"Why? Are you trying change your god-awful hair?" Juniper retorted quickly, continuing on with her notes. After a moment of silence, she looked up for a response. "Well, are you? It's about time." Pansy just rolled her eyes and sunk back into her seat. The four started their usual conversations, each of them trying to brag about who had the most money spent on them, who went furthest on their vacations, while Juniper tried to finish her holiday homework, ignoring them. She started listening in once there was shooing and hissing between them, and then complete silence. She looked up to scan the compartment and only saw Draco, sitting directly opposite her and staring straight at her. 

"Well, now that we're alone." He smiled smugly to himself, moving over so that he was sitting next to her. He reached his arm over her head, resting his arm on her shoulders and looking at her. "How were your holidays, darling?"

"Darling?" She asked, her eyebrows pulling together. Like most of the girls in their year, she had always had the tiniest crush on him, since day one. She'd never admit to it though, she didn't want to try and inflate his ego even further. 

"You're my girlfriend, remember?" He flipped his hair and lifted his legs up so they were resting on the seat in front of them. "My holidays were amazing, thanks for asking." He started rambling on about how much fun he had on the holidays, reciting exactly what he said a few minutes ago to his other friends. He was only interrupted by the sudden lurch of the train as it came to a stop. He leaned forward to fight against the pull of the train, his arm resting on Junipers lap so that she wouldn't fly across the compartment due to the sudden stop. The entire train went dark, the temperature dropping so that their breaths were visible. Juniper had to lean over Draco to look outside of the compartment, seeing that other students were doing the same. She leant back into her seat next to Draco as she watched the windows begin to frost over. Draco slammed the door shut just as a dark figure started to floated past the door. Her face dropped, she had read about Dementors in a text book before, but hadn't thought she'd ever be near one. Just as the textbook had said, there wasn't a trace of happiness left in the train. 

"What the hell is that?" Draco's voice faltered, holding onto the hem of Junipers skirt for protection. "Was that the the Grim Reaper, or a demon? Or the demon Grim Reaper."

"How would I know?" She lied, not wanting to have to explain what it was. The figure was out of sight now and the lights of the train were slowly flickering back on. The train started filling back up with noise, students started talking, losing their minds over what just happened. Juniper turned to look at Draco, his eyes wide with fear. When he met her gaze he swallowed hard, straightened his robes out and sat back on his side of the compartment. It was the first time that Juniper had actually looked at him properly since he first entered the compartment. He looks... hot. She thought to herself, admiring his jawline, which had become more defined over the summer. He had lost his baby face, slowly growing up into a man. She had always thought he was cute, but now... She traced her eyes back up from his flexed hands to his pale blue eyes, a smirk on his face. 

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