50. Juniper vs Theo

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They had left the bathroom a lot sweatier and more flustered than they had intended, but they were happier than they could've imagined. Juniper lead Fred by the hand back to the party, the weight of all her anxiety lifted from her chest. Fred beamed behind her, feeling like he had just won the lottery, all eyes on him.

"Should we just get out of here?" He leant down to whisper to her from behind, his hot breath on her neck sending a chill down her spine. He glared back at the jealous stares, his arm crossing over her possessively. "Back to my dorm?"

"Mmmm." She hummed, tipping her head back to look up at him. He pressed an upside down kiss on her lips, his hand sliding to lightly grip her throat. "Get me to your bed-"

"There you two are!" Hermione screeched in front of them, snatching their attention away. "I've been looking for you two everywhere!"

"What's wrong Granger?" Fred asked, hiding his irritation. His hand slipped away from Juniper.

"Aplenty is outside screaming at Nott, Harry and Ron have drunk themselves blind, and Ginny is threatening to hex George's mouth shut because he's embarrassing her in front of Michael Corner." Hermione rushed out, panic spreading across her face as she noticed the way Juniper and Fred were acting. "And now you two! You're not meant to do this in front of other students, Mrs. Weasley would be so... Juniper, your top is on backwards."

"Oops." Juniper looked down to double check. She must've put it back on wrong after her and Fred got a bit too carried away in the bathroom. She begun spinning it around while Fred tried to calm Hermione down.

"Juniper and I are fine, Hermione, don't worry about us. And everything else... just comes with having party." Fred brushed it off, wanting to get it over and done with so he could get Juniper back to his dorm. He leant over to a table, taking a cup out of the hands of a third year. "Drink up, it'll help you relax."

"Only if Juniper drinks with me." Hermione glared at Fred, the irritation now showing on his face.

"I need Juniper for a bit." He snapped back, grabbing onto Juniper's hand. "If you'll excuse us."

"Hang on." Juniper interrupted, slipping her hand out of his. Fred head snapped back so quickly, his neck almost broke. "I've never actually had fun at one of your parties. No offence."

"Of course you have-"

"No. The first one I went to I was covered in Hermione's vomit, and you were making out with Angelina the whole time." Juniper corrected him, earning a quick apology from both Fred and Hermione.

"What about after the Yule Ball. I know you enjoyed that." Fred winked.

"I enjoyed the morning after. At the actually party I third-wheeled Hermione and Viktor and watched you make out with Angelina, again." She looked up at him, her arms crossed over her chest, earning another apology from the two of them.

"What about tonight? Are you having fun?" Hermione asked.

"So far I've been spiked with a love potion, and then had sex in a bathroom with my boyfriend." Juniper smiled at Hermione, watching her jaw drop in shock. "I'm a bit on the fence so far."

"I'll get you a drink then." Hermione beamed, disappearing through the crowd to get drinks for them all.
Juniper turned back to Fred, seeing the disappointed frown on his face. His dorm would have to wait for now. With a smirk, she reached up to take his cowboy hat from him, putting it on her own head.

"Come on, Cowboy. Show me some fun and maybe I'll save a horse later on." She grabbed his hand, leading him into the crowd of dancing partygoers.

"What's that supposed to mean? We're nowhere near any horses?" Fred yelled into her ear, trying to be heard over the booming music. Hermione popped back, handing each of them a drink.

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