51. Fred vs Theo

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The week passed painfully slow. Theo's rumours spread around the school quicker than Juniper could keep up with, and she was ignoring every student she passed as they stared and whispered. Both Matilda and Blaise knew not to bring it up, and took the bullets for her whenever someone would ask, spitting an insult in response or threatening to hex them if they didn't mind their own business. Blaise went as far to walk Juniper to her dormitory, just in case Theo was trying to catch her alone.
And on top of that, Fred was mercilessly smack talking the Slytherin Quidditch team, as though Juniper was an avid fan. At any time he could, he'd sneak in a little jab, and then continue on with their conversation. He did it so much, Juniper actually began wishing that Slytherin would beat Gryffindor in the match coming up, just so he'd shut up about it.

"Are you eating toast for breakfast because you know Slytherin is going to be toast after this match?" He sung into her ear on the morning of the match, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting across from her. "Good morning, gorgeous."

"That one was a stretch." Juniper muttered in response, finishing off her mouthful. "Good morning, hottie."

"Are you ready to watch your team get absolutely slaughtered?" Fred continued on, stealing the last piece of toast off her plate. "You look really beautiful today."

"I could ask you the same." She grinned, watching his cocky smile falter for a spilt second, before growing wider than it had been before. "I know I look beautiful."

"I know you know." He said as George sat down beside him, stealing the piece of toast that Fred was about to bite.

"What do we know?" He muffled through his mouthful. Harry and Hermione sat down with them, followed by a very green looking Ron.

"That my girlfriend is beautiful." Fred said, earning nods and mumbles of affirmation from around the table.

"Yes, absolutely." George agreed. "Stunning, gorgeous, amazing."

"Thanks, George." Juniper winked at him. "So are you guys ready to lose to Slytherin today?" She asked and Ron's head shot up, before he began whispering to Hermione and Harry.

"She's joking, Ron." Hermione groaned loudly. "Just... eat something, you'll feel better."

"Trust me, food helps." Harry added quickly, shovelling eggs onto his plate.

"I'll throw it all up. I can't." Ron's face burned bright red. "This is a mistake. I should tell Angelina I can't play. Quick, someone break my leg."

"Sit!" Juniper shouted at Fred as he stood up too eagerly.

"Where's McGonagall? I'm not joking." Ron continued to panic.

"Grow up, Ron." Ginny snapped as she sat beside Hermione, a scowl crossing over her face. "You guys could've told me you were sitting here today, you know. I just spent ten minutes with the Creevey brothers."

"They're not that bad..." Hermione trailed off, seeing the look both Harry and Ginny were glaring at her with. "Moving on. What section are you going to sit in, Juniper? Are you sticking with Slytherin or are you going to go for Gryffindor?"

"Does it matter?" Juniper asked, looking over her glass as she took sip of her apple juice. She was met with loud groans from everyone but Hermione. "It's just a Quidditch match!"

"It is not just a Quidditch match!" Ginny practically shouted across the table.

"Respectfully, Juniper. It's not 'just a Quidditch match'." Harry sassed, making quotation marks with his hands.

"It's inter-house war." George added for them.

"It all sounds like a joke, but it's really not." Fred said, somewhat aware of how silly it sounded. "If we were playing against like, Hufflepuff, it'd be just a Quidditch match."

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