34. the starman effect

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A deep scream down stairs is what jolted Molly awake, and the loud thud a moment after is what got her out of bed in an instant. She threw on her dressing gown, her mind conjuring every possible situation she was going to find downstairs, and then noticed that Arthur wasn't in bed. Convinced that he had been attacked by intruders, she raced down the stairs, only hearing the music that was blasting loudly from the kitchen once she reached the ground level. She rounded the corner, her wand at the ready in case she needed to attack

"What is going on here?" She screamed from deep within her chest, seeing Arthur on the ground, Juniper crouched beside him. Molly raised her wand, going to stun Juniper for attacking her husband.

"Wait!" Remus Lupin shouted, jumping off the dining table to snatch the wand out of her hand before she could use it.

"Hey!" Juniper jumped up, offended that Molly was going to attack her so quickly.

"Get away from my husband!" Molly screeched, shooing Juniper away. "You may have poisoned one of my boys minds, but trying it on my husband is another story."

"I didn't do anything!" Juniper screamed back, visibly upset.

"Molly, that's not what happened." Remus tried to explain while Molly continued to accuse her of attacking Arthur. "Molly!"

"I don't care what Fred, Sirius, or anyone says! I want you out off this house, now!" Molly argued over the noise of everyone yelling and the music, still blasting as loud as the radio would play it.

"I was nowhere near him! I didn't do anything!" Juniper continued to repeat, over and over again, convinced that Molly would believe her if she said it enough times.

"If I had my wand, girl." Molly threatened, her eyes squinting tightly out of anger. "Remus! Give it to me!"

"Silencio." Fred said from the doorway, aiming his wand at his mother. Molly immediately stopped talking, or at least making noise. Fred looked across the room at everyone, extremely annoyed that they had woken him up with all their screaming. "What happened?" He asked, his voice rasp from anger and tiredness.

"I think Arthur should be the one to explain... when he wakes up." Remus said, turning the music down, but not all the way off. "So he can decide what gets told."

"June?" Fred asked, his eyes flicking to her. "What do you think?"

"Um..." Juniper's voice shook. Seeing, and hearing, Fred after he had just woken up was something she should've been warned about. Just the way he was looking at her was enough to make her light headed and her knees buckle. "That's probably best. Whatever Professor Lupin said." She managed to say, not a single thought going into her words.

"You don't have to call me professor, I quit." Remus reminded her, turning the music back up slightly.

"Okay, cool." Juniper replied, not caring. She was still looking Fred up and down, trying to take it all in. From how his pyjama pants rested loosely at his hips, to the way his t-shirt was tight around his biceps. She needed to cool off, or be sprayed with a hose.

"Who the hell decided to turn down the one and only Bowie?" Sirius Black walked past Fred, grabbing a mug for himself. "And what is Weasley doing on the floor?"

"Starman." Remus winked at Sirius, discretely explaining what had happened. "Starman got him."

"Been there." Sirius laughed to himself, taking a flask out of his pocket and pouring the contents into the mug. He looked over to Molly, who was still trying to scream and yell despite being muted by her own son. "Use your words, Molly. Spit it out." Sirius laughed.

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