2. attack on pansy

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Like every year, the third year Slytherins had practically all of their classes with the Gryffindors. Which wouldn't be too bad, but they were too up themselves, according to Juniper. And they riled Draco up, which was just too much drama to handle. All of the carbs Juniper was able to eat while alone at breakfast still wouldn't give her the energy to deal with it. The day had barely even started and Divination had already become the Harry Potter show. The teacher, Professor Trelawney, barely even noticed that Juniper was able to identify and correctly explain what omens were and what they meant almost instantly. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were too busy laughing and cackling over the concept of reading tea leaves and whatever absurd futures they could predict for each other. And even worse, two Gryffindor girls sat directly in front of Juniper and latched onto whatever meaning they could find in their leaves, egging the boys on. Their presence didn't only intrude Junipers first class either. During break, all she heard was talk about Harry Potter. Most of it coming from Draco, and while she was happy to be spending the time with him, she was kind of sick of it. 

"They're in our next class, can't we talk about something else before we have to deal with him?" Juniper complained, picking at the petals of the daisies that started to grow when she sat down on the grass. In a first year charms class, Matilda Aplenty, a Hufflepuff, accidentally misfired the charm and it hit Juniper, making daisies grow whenever she walked on grass. Which turned out to be a great a conversation piece, and also blossomed the friendship between the two. 

"I refuse to believe that we have magical creatures with Hagrid and the Gryffindors." Draco said. He was sitting next to Juniper under a weeping willow along the black lake. He had rolled his sleeves up and was resting on the trunk of the tree, his hand resting on Junipers thigh, controlling the conversation while Pansy, Goyle and Crabbe sat in a circle around them. 

"Is he even allowed to be around children?" Pansy kept her eye on Draco's hands. 

"Don't you need like, training to become a Professor?" Goyle joined in. 

"And he was in Azkaban a few months ago." Crabbe added on. 

"You really think he's underqualified and a criminal?" Juniper scoffed, thinking that they were joking. She was met with dumbfounded looks. "You're kidding, right?"

"Have you met him?" Draco said with a wide sneer, biting his tongue. "The git can barely form a sentence." He laughed, causing the other three to join in loudly. He looked to Juniper for approval, his tongue still in his cheek.  She just shook her head. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of a laugh. Taking the hint, he cleared his throat. "Alright, let's get this class over with." He stood up and held his hand out to help Juniper up as well. 

The books that Hagrid had assigned for the year were actually quote funny, Juniper thought. They snapped and growled at you and tore up their pages if you didn't stroke the spine before opening it, resulting in a few students having their uniforms shredded in places and pages being ripped apart. Juniper had to stop Draco from opening his up straight away, showing how to properly pet the spine of the book if he wanted a less-traumatic experience than her initial one. She watched him as he stroked two fingers own the length of the spine, grinning smugly when it opened with no problem. Juniper sat up on a stone ledge as she and Draco watched a Gryffindor get mauled by his book, laughing at his humiliation. 

"Seems like the oaf teaching didn't take into account the lack of intelligence some people have." Draco sneered loudly, attracting attention. 

"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry Potter spat, marching closer to the Slytherin group against the stone. Juniper jumped off the wall, prepared to make a snarky comment back, before she could, Draco laughed in response to Harry, dropping his book bag at her feet and strutting up to Harry. A circle had formed around the two, ready to fight. Suddenly Draco had stopped, he pointed above Harry's head and jumped back.

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