17. ferret boy

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Juniper had forgotten how much she hated going to class. From Professor Trelawney's endless rambling about birth charts and planets, Snape's droning on about how valuable Dragon's Blood is and the importance of a 'pinch' versus a 'dash' in terms of ingredients in his potions. Hagrid had managed to keep his job as Care of Magical Creature's Professor, which caused Draco's permanent foul mood. Even watching some students get attacked by Blast-Ended Skrewts couldn't cheer him up.
The only time a smile crossed his face was when he was reading the Daily Prophet before dinner. He had forced Crabbe and Goyle to climb one of the trees with him in the courtyard, despite the ground still being damp from the previous days storm, Pansy and Juniper sat at the base of the trunk, legs outstretched. They were being civil for once, barely acknowledging the others existence. Juniper was busy making a daisy-chain from the flowers that grew around her, when Pansy's legs started kicking with excitement. Juniper ignored it as Pansy stood up to give Draco her newspaper, itching for him to read it.

"Oi!" Draco whistled down at Juniper. She tilted her head all the way to look at him, her eyes squinting from the glare of the sun. Draco held the newspaper in one hand, and his apple in the other, a bright grin on his face. "Have you seen this?"

"No." Juniper replied bluntly, turning her attention back down to the flowers in her lap.

"Weasley! Hey, Weasley!" Draco screeched seconds later. Juniper lifted her eyes to see the trio, Harry, Ron and Hermione, walking past.

"What?" Ron practically growled back, already annoyed with whatever was going to come out of Draco's mouth. The trio came to a stop in front of the tree, summoning a small crowd.

"Your dad's in the paper." Draco jumped down, landing inches away from Juniper. He shook the paper out, getting ready to read it out loud. As he read it, he attracted more and more attention, turning the small crowd into a large gathering. He encouraged the crowd to laugh at the right parts, and even showed them all the picture accompanied with the article about the Weasley's father. Juniper couldn't have cared less, just focusing on the flowers, until she heard Draco make a comment to Ron. "Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight."

"Draco!" She scolded, her head snapping up in an instant. She dropped her chain to the side and stood up, shocked by the amount of people that were surrounding them. She looked over at Ron, who's fists were balled up and his face had turned red with rage. Juniper went to yell at Draco, but Harry beat her to it.

"Get stuffed, Malfoy." He rolled his eyes.

"Tell me, Potter. Is his mother really that chubby, or is it just the picture?" Draco's eyes gleamed with joy, watching Harry and Hermione hold Ron back by his robes.

"I saw your mother Malfoy, does she always have that ugly look on her face? Or was it just because she was with you?" Harry retorted within the second.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother." Draco spat, gripping his wand by his side.

"Keep your ugly mouth shut then." Harry responded, done with the conversation and turning away. As he turned, Draco waved his wand, attacking Harry with a bang. And then with a flash, Draco disappeared. Harry turned back to stare at Juniper, who raised her arms innocently, showing her wandless hands.

"Oh no you do not!" Professor Moody screamed as he limped towards the crowd. His eyes were focused on the ground next to Junipers feet. She looked down to see a ferret, it's hair as light and blond as Draco's.

"Oh my... god." Juniper had to cover her mouth to hide her giggle, moving away from the scene as quickly as she could. Once she made it to the corridor she looked back, seeing the ferret in the air, being controlled by Professor Moody's wand.

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