22. rejection after rejection

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"Potter! Weasley!" Professor McGonagall barked. It was the end of Transfiguration and she had been trying to make an announcement for 5 minutes while the boys were in their own little world. Sitting a few tables behind, Juniper glanced up at them. They had settled in their seats, looking up at the Professor sheepishly. "Now I have everyone's attention, I have a very important announcement to make."

Juniper had zoned out a while ago, staring blankly at the table, playing tic-tac-toe on the piece of parchment Draco kept sliding towards her. Lavender Browns shrill giggle snapped her out of her daze, realising that she was still in class and should be listening to Professor McGonagall's announcement.

"The Yule Ball is a chance for us to... let our hair down and socialise with out guests." Another giggle from Lavender. "But it is not an excuse to embarrass our school with poor behaviour."

What is she talking about? Juniper wrote on the parchment, sliding it towards Draco. He glanced down at it and wrote back.

Like a dance. Wanna go with me? Juniper read, inhaling sharply to laugh to herself.

Do I have a choice?

Nope. Wear green. Juniper turned her nose up at his response, balling the parchment up and throwing it into a bin once the bell had rung.
That night, Draco walked into the common room, holding a small box and a letter. He dropped into the leather seat beside Juniper, taking up more space than one person could possibly need, and opened up the box. Inside, there was an emerald green neck tie. Juniper ran her fingers over it feeling the velvet and black roses embroidered onto it.

"Mum said she'd get your dress delivered in a few days, she already chose it for you." Draco said, reading the letter in his hands.

"Oh. That's nice of her." Juniper said softly, handing the box back to Draco. He leant away from her slightly, angling the paper so she wouldn't be able to see what was written on it. Juniper glanced around the room out of boredom, looking at everyone doing their homework. "Blaise, who are you going to ask to the ball?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Blaise replied without looking up. "Ask Theo."

"I don't know. The good ones were picked already." Theo grunted, looking over Blaise's shoulder for the answers to their charms work.

"No one's asked me." Pansy pouted, sitting the furthest away.

"Who do you want to go with?" Juniper felt obligated to ask.

"Well," She thought to herself. "Who's that boy that's really good at herbology?"

"Not Longbottom." Draco almost jumped out of his seat, groaning in disgust. Juniper flicked her eyes to Blaise and Theo, who were already staring back. "Anyone but him."

"Well then." Pansy closed her book, giving the question her undivided attention. "What about that Weasley kid? With the twin."

"What?" Draco's voice shook, Pansy stared straight at him. Juniper had to hide her laugh, watching Pansy pick on Draco. "Theo will go with you."

"What?" Both of their jaws dropped.

"Theo doesn't know who to take, Pansy can't choose the right person. Problem solved." Draco sat back into his seat, returning to his letter. The two looked at each other before shrugging, deciding it was easier this way than trying to find someone themselves.

Pansy had enlisted the help of Juniper to find the perfect dress for the Yule Ball. Juniper was hesitant at first, thinking of a billion things she would rather do than spend her Saturday in Hogsmeade, shopping with Pansy. But after seeing how excited Pansy was when she asked her, Juniper couldn't say no. She needed to get a few things herself, anyway.
Walking into Hogsmeade, she had to reject 3  invitations to the Ball, bringing her grand total of rejections to 34. She found it quite entertaining, watching the boys muster up the courage to ask her, only for them to be told no a few seconds later.

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