47. arrogance

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A few nights later, Juniper found herself falling asleep in the library with Theo, her hair up in a curly mess, trying to copy his charms essay as much as she could, without getting caught. The two had been attached at the hip since she had begun going to class again, as per Matilda's orders. She had said it was Theo who put the idea of ditching class into Juniper's head, so it was his responsibility to help her catch up. And neither of them were brave enough to disobey her.

"You going to the Halloween party the Weasley's are throwing?" Theo tried to liven the study session up a bit, watching Juniper's close over slowly.

"You mean the 'Wild Weasley Ween Party?'" Juniper murmured, still half asleep. She sensed his confusion and ignored it. "I think so, are you?"

"I will if you will." Theo eyed Juniper as he stretched, trying to catch her attention by flexing his biceps subtly.

"Do you know if Draco's going?" She asked, oblivious to Theo, she was busy trying to spin her quill through her fingers. "'Cause if he is I'm not."

"I have no idea, haven't spoken to him much." Theo relaxed, calculating his next move. Leaning his elbow next to her parchment, leaning his head closer to hers.

"What happened between you two? I'm here if you need."

"You know, he was just... Draco." She shrugged, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. Clearing her throat, she shuffled away slightly. "What are you going to go as?"

"No idea. You?" Theo replied, still resting on his elbow. Juniper imagined that he was twirling his hair and kicking his feet under the table.

"Neither. I was thinking-."

"We can go matching." Theo interrupted, sitting up straighter. "We can go into Hogsmeade this weekend and find costumes?"

"Oh. Um. We could do that." Juniper winced, staring at the table. She wished Madam Pince would come and tell them to shut it. "Or. I was thinking of just going as a Quidditch player. I could borrow your top, if that's okay?"

"Sure!" Theo said, not able to hide his excitement. "I will get that to you. You can keep it."

"Don't you need it for games?"

"Oh. Yeah. I forgot about... that." He brushed his fingers through his hair awkwardly. "I'll give it to you before the party."

"Thanks, Theo." Juniper smiled at him, trying to think of a reason to leave the library without him.  "We can try and think of your costume though, if you want?"

"Hey JuJu!" Fred shouted through the library, catching glares from everyone. Juniper thanked him over and over again in her head, vowing to herself that she'd make it up to him. "We have that... Am I interrupting something?" He gestured between Theo and Juniper, a teasing grin already plastered across his face.


"Nope!" Juniper cut Theo off loudly, jumping out of her seat. "Thankyou Theo for the essay and everything, Fred and I have that... uh... thing."

"Homework club." Fred supplied.

"Yes. I have to stop this homework... to do other homework. See you later!" She waved over her shoulder, grabbing all of her things in one sweep.

"Oh okay. Talk to you later." Theo called out as Fred and Juniper ran out of the library together.

"Who the hell is JuJu?" Juniper asked once she caught her breath again, her things shoved back into her book bag that hung off her shoulder. "Should I be worried about you hooking up with other girls?"

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