53. McGonagall's poor, poor eyes

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"Mr. and Mr. Weasley, please wake- oh my goodness!" Professor McGonagall screeched, waking everyone in the dorm up, including Juniper. Fred had to catch her by the waist before she fell out of the bed, covering her mouth with his hand in case she let out a yelp. Their eyes squeezed shut, hoping that McGonagall hadn't seen her. There was no movement from the other side of the curtain, and after a few silent seconds, McGonagall spoke  again.

"Miss Jones, I am hoping there is a reasonable explanation as to why you are in the Male Gryffindor dormitories, and not the Female Slytherin dormitories." McGonagall's voice was very thin and sharp, clear against the quiet snickers of George and Lee.

"I..." Juniper started from behind Fred's hand, looking at him for help while she panicked. Fred's eyes widened as he began mouthing a mess of words together. Juniper didn't understand a thing he was trying to suggest to her, leaving her to take a shot in the dark. "I got lost?"

Fred's hand slapped against his forehead, as George and Lee began howling with laughter. And even Fred snuck in a chuckle, his smile snapping away when Juniper's mortified face turned to him. The only thing she could be grateful for in that moment, was the thick curtain concealing her from the audience.

"I will take your honest answer before breakfast commences." McGonagall said, silencing the room. "Fred and George, I need you both in the common room in five minutes. Dressed, decent, and with your belongings packed for the Christmas break."

"But the break doesn't start until-." George began.

"I know." McGonagall answered quickly, leaving no room for a response. "Common room. Five minutes. And I want you there too, Miss Jones." McGonagall finished, the door shutting loudly behind her. There was a long silence while they listened to her footsteps fade down the stairs, until George and Lee began loudly and mercilessly teasing Fred and Juniper.

"You two totally got caught doing it." Lee began cackling.

"And by McGonagall." George added, waving his wand to pack his bags.

"Like you two would know anything about doing it." Juniper sneered at the two, crawling out of Fred's bed in a pair of his old Christmas pyjamas. As she grabbed her uniform from beside Fred's bed, she noticed the clock above the door. "Does she usually wake you guys up at four in the morning?"

"No." Fred mumbled from behind the curtain as he got dressed. His mind was racing, wondering why McGonagall needed him and his brother, in the middle of the night. And when Juniper's head popped back through the curtain, he could tell she was wondering the exact same thing.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, crawling onto the bed, pulling the curtain closed behind her.

"Of course, I have you in my bed." Fred winked, putting a smile on his face for Juniper.

"Then why do you look like that?" Juniper rolled her eyes, buttoning up his shirt for him.

"Like what?"

"Like you're about to hear the worst news possible?"

"Why else would McGonagall ask me to pack my things at four in the morning?" He shrugged, watching her face soften.

"I never thought I'd be the optimistic one." Juniper huffed under her breath, beginning to put her uniform on.

"What was that?" Fred quipped, taking his turn to do up Juniper's buttons. He avoided her eyes as she breathed slowly, keeping herself calm for the both of them.

"It was nothing, Fred." She let him do up her green and silver tie, watching his jaw unclench. "Whatever happens, we'll figure it out together, Fred." She leant forward to kiss him on the cheek.

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