37. happy times in Fred's room

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By the time Fred reached the top of the stairs, Juniper was already waiting for him at the door of the boy's bedroom. Leaning against it, she smiled at him, daring him to come closer. The creak of the floorboards as he walked reminded him how sneaky they had to be

"You're going to get me killed, June." Fred murmured, his hand resting against the peeling paint of the wall for balance while he walked on the cracks of the floor. "First I'm found in your bed, and now this."

"We haven't been told off for that yet," Juniper's voice lured Fred closer. "What's the harm of doing a little bit more before we do."

Fred let out a small laugh of disbelief, almost dropping to his knees then and there. Everything he had ever wanted was standing there, a few feet in front of him, and he was too mesmerised to move. He briefly considered asking Juniper to slap him across the face, just in case he was dreaming. 

"Are you going to continue staring at me, or are you going to come and kick your brother out of his room?" Juniper asked, waving her hand around to bring Fred back down to earth

"Yes ma'am." He breathed, only an idiot would wake himself up from this dream. Marching over to the bedroom door, Fred desperately bashed his closed fists against it, tempted to scream 'fire' to speed things up a bit. Ron grumbled from the other side, prompting Fred to swing the door open. "George needs you right now, it's an emergency."

"Then why are you here and not with him?" Ron groaned, sitting up anyway, he had been woken up by Fred enough times to know he wasn't going to be going back to sleep now. 

"We have the same thoughts, he needs younger brother insight." Fred lied seamlessly. 
Ron raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Urgently." Fred growled through gritted teeth. Ron left immediately after, leaving the room empty for Juniper and Fred. 

"After you." Fred bowed, extending his arm to guide Juniper in. He followed close behind her, closing the door.

"Should I be concerned by how easily you lie?" Juniper asked, walking in. Unwanted flashbacks from the past few days hit her, seeing the corner she sat in, wet, for 24 hours straight. She tried to push the bleak, dull, feeling down as far as she could, determined to stay playful for Fred. She turned back to look at him, unsurprised by the natural twinkle in his deep blue eyes.  

"That's just Ron." Fred shrugged, tentatively placing his hands on Juniper's hips, guiding her backwards to sit on his bed. "You don't have to worry, as long as you always cover for me."

"Always." Juniper affirmed for him, rolling her eyes sarcastically. She held her hands out for him to take, watching his giddy smile grow larger. 

His eyes laid on hers for a brief second, that felt like it was ages, before he decided to take a chance. Unlinking his hands from hers and using them to cup her face, he brought himself to her, bending down to finally kiss her.
Her hands remained resting on the backs of his, holding him close to her as she let herself go, kissing him back without a worry holding her back. Her eyes stayed closed once he pulled away,  her lips pulling into a pout. The last time they had kissed was the morning after the Yule Ball, and she had shut things down before they could progress any further, the danger of Draco finding out ruining it for them. 
But they didn't have to worry about that anymore.
Junipers eyes fluttered open to look up at Fred, who was gazing down at her with complete adoration.  Without another second wasted, Juniper reached her hands up, hooking them around Fred's neck and pulling him down closer to her, hungrily kissing him as though they'd have another eight month hiatus after this. Without breaking the kiss off, he leant her back on the bed, his hands planted beside her head to hover above her. Fingers intertwined at the nape of his neck, she pulled him closer to her, trying to get lost in the feeling of the kiss.
She and Draco had tried making out a total of three times. And it had Juniper convinced that she could live her life  completely affectionless, without ever needing, or wanting, to be with a man. But now that Fred had kissed her, with the heart and longing that he just didn't have last time, she could never go back. She was now plagued with need to yearn for someone's touch.  

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