21. that's sick

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If someone had told Juniper at the start of the year, that she'd be standing outside the Gryffindor common room, about to attend a meeting regarding Elvish Welfare, in which she was secretary, she would've laughed in their face. Staring at the painting of the Fat Lady a few steps ahead of her, she rethought all of her decisions that brought her to this situation. She considered heading back down the stairs and to the Dungeon, where she could be back in her bed and fast asleep by now. She turned to go back, but the thought of having to see Draco and Pansy again turned her right back around. Elf meeting or boyfriend flirting with the most annoying girl in the world? It was a classic lose-lose situation.

"You may as well just go in, if you've had to think about it this hard." The painting sassed at Juniper. "Although, I would rethink the outfit choice."

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Juniper looked down at her baggy black sweatpants and her matching baggy zip-up jacket. "It's just a meeting. There's going to be like, three people."

"Sure." The Fat Lady raised her eyebrows, failing to hide the judgment in her face. "Well? Password?"

"Fairy lights." Juniper huffed, feeling stupid. The painting swung open and Juniper had to duck her head to walk through. "You should really come up with cooler passwords, that one is so stupid." She said to the Fat Lady as she passed. When she looked up at the room she very quickly realised that it wasn't a meeting that she was invited to, it was a party.

Between the loud music and the flashing lights, Juniper couldn't think a single thought, and was stuck in the doorway, trying to take in her surroundings. There were two tables set up to the side of the room with food and drinks, and from the way the Gryffindor's were talking to each other, the drinks were very alcoholic. There were banners hanging from the ceiling reading 'Congratulations Harry' with a picture of him on his broomstick, fighting the dragon from the task earlier.

"Juniper!" Hermione screamed from one side of the room bonding over with a drink in her hand. "You came!"

"What happened to the elves? I thought I was secretary." Juniper had to bend down as Hermione flung her arms around her neck to hug her.

"We can still have a meeting." Hermione nodded, she was solent for a split second before continuing. "I can't think of anything right now, so maybe when I'm a bit sober."

"Why did-"

"Drink!" Hermione grabbed Juniper by the wrist and dragged her to the drinks table, handing her a bottle with no label. "The twins made it, it's not good but it's good."

"I... don't think I will." Juniper placed the drink back down, looking across the room. "Why did you invite me here?" She had to scream over the loud music.

"You need to be around people." Hermione said, taking a sip from her straw. "Normal. People."

"Huh?" Juniper furrowed her eyebrows, looking straight into Hermione's eyes.

"Ron told me what happened. With the choking and the-." Hermione hiccupped, struggling to hold Juniper's gaze. "You need friends and people to help you."

"He did?" Juniper tucked her hair behind her ears, hoping it would help her hear a bit clearer. She couldn't really believe that Ron would do that, but deep down she was beyond grateful for him. "Hermione, you didn't need to invite me."

"I know." Hermione stopped for a second, beginning to sway. "But then Fred told me that you tried to help me, so I'm trying to return the favour."

"This isn't really..." Juniper brought her hands to her head, struggling to think of what to say, but the music blaring in her ears wasn't helping her train of thought.

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