75. the Slug Club (Christmas edition)

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The Slugclub has a Christmas party coming up the night before I come back to the Burrow. I'd rather stab my eye out with a fork than go. I'm meant to bring someone along with me but the thing is; I don't like anyone enough to invite them.
Also, I hate your little brother. He made out with a random girl in front of Hermione. I'm going to hit him the next time I see him.
I'm counting down the days until I can see you again!
Lots of love, Juniper

Juniper ended up inviting Theo to tag along with her to the Slugclub Christmas party, since he begged her non-stop. Since hearing the rumour that Juniper had crazy sex in the bathroom of the Three Broomsticks, he had been on her case even worse than before. He assumed she was hooking up with randoms people, anywhere, at any time, and that he had a chance, too.
So now he was standing in the Slytherin common room, in dress pants and a blazer, fully convinced that he was going to get lucky that night. As Juniper rounded the corner, entering the common room in a floor length dress, his jaw dropped, taking a moment to clear his throat.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Despite how pretty she looked, her usual scowl was still on display.

"Just admiring." He muttered, holding his arm out for her to take. She stared at it for a moment, before opting to walk in front of him, leading the way to the party. Theo let out a long groan as he trailed behind her, dragging his feet. "Come ooonnnn, I can't even compliment you?"


"Why not?" Theo pressed, staring at Juniper's shoulder blades, left bare by the back of her dress.

"Because I said."

"Jones." He rolled his eyes. "Give me a real answer."

"That is a real answer." Juniper growled back, her jaw clenching. After a few moments of tense silence, she elaborated. "I don't want to lead you on or entertain you with the idea of me possibly flirting back."

"Any why won't you flirt back?" Theo continued to question, his curiosity hinting at his desperation, barely hiding his actual feelings. "It's not like you'll be hurting anyone. Maybe me, but I'd deserve it anyway for what I've done to you. And what my father-."

"Please don't talk to me about your father." Juniper snapped, her voice loud as she abruptly stopped in the middle for the corridor to glare at him. Her eyes bore into him, filled with a mix of anger and pain. "And you're not the only person that would be hurt. I have morals and care about people, believe it or not."

"I didn't say you didn't." Theo said, stepping toward her, his own frustration bubbling to the surface. "But you're acting like you're above all this, above me, above everyone that isn't as perfect as you are."

"Perfect?" Juniper scoffed, her arms folding in front of her chest. "You don't know a single thing about me or my life if you use that word to describe me."

"Oh come on-." Theo began to drawl.

"And this has nothing to do with perfection!" Juniper broke into a shout. "This is about not wanting to be dragged back into your mess. You think you can half-ass an apology, then force your way back yo being my friend with a few flirty comments?"

"I'm trying to fix things, Jones." Theo huffed, his expression hardening. "I'm trying to get things back to how they were before everything. I can't do that if you won't even walk with me to a dinner that you invited me to."

"It's too late for that, Theo." Juniper glared back. "Sneaking me love potions and curses from your father aren't things that can be fixed with flirtation and friendship."

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