13. don't cry about it

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The tears had finally stopped flowing down Juniper's cheeks once she made it back to the Slytherin common room, just in time to come face to face with Draco. He was sat in leather seat he had claimed back in his first year at Hogwarts, his eyes were on his hands that were ion his lap, twirling one of the large silver rings that he wore on his middle finger. He flexed his hands a few time, not looking up to acknowledge Juniper's presence. A few extra students were still in the room, exchanging awkward glances with each other, sensing the tension in the air. One by one they picked up their books and walked away quietly, leaving only Juniper and Draco. He finally looked up, a mixture of sadness and anger was spread across his face, he didn't want to talk, but he knew he had to.

"Who were you with?" He asked quietly, making Juniper have to step closer to hear him.

"No one." She lied, swallowing guilty lump in her throat. It didn't look like he was paying enough attention to notice the way her fingers twisted together out of anxiety. He only nodded in response, already knowing the truth without having to pull it out of her. He only noticed her tear-soaked cheeks when she continued making her way over to hear.

"Why were you crying?" He asked, cracking a few of his knuckles.

"What? Oh." Juniper sniffed in response, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. For the first time in a long while, Draco looked genuinely concerned. "It's just cold out there, made my eyes water." She dismissed it, looking down at her shoes.

"What did they say?" Draco asked gently, avoiding names. Juniper hadn't even noticed that he held out his had for her to take, the most comforting gesture that he'd ever shown her.

"Everyone hates me." She wasn't bothered with covering up for Fred anymore.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Draco said, dropping his hand back into his lap.

"I don't want to be hated." Juniper looked back up at him. "No one wants to be hated."

"Hm." Draco thought to himself, staying quiet for a while.

"Are you excited to go home tomorrow?" Juniper started, the silence starting to swallow her.

"I'll try harder." Draco ignored her question, jumping back into their conversation. "For you."

"Try to be more excited?" Juniper asked, confused by what he meant. "If you're not then you don't have to try for me."

"No." He half smiled, taking her hands in his, instead of waiting for her. "I'll try harder for you. For us."

"I don't know what you mean..." Juniper trailed off, trying to pull her hands back. Draco had been a lot more gentle in the past ten minutes, than he had ever been.

"No more threats, no more hitting. An actual relationship." He said, staring up at her and into her eyes, trying to show how honest he was being. "One where we're a team, and equal."

A small grimace spread across her face, unsure whether or not she should put her trust into him and the relationship. It could either be Draco genuinely wanting to make it work, wanting someone on his side for once. But it could also be a ploy, so he could get closer to her and find out what else he could threaten her with.

"I don't expect you to trust me completely, yet." He continued on, sensing her hesitation. "But we could do the things we haven't been. Like talking, having fun, being seen in public together, actually liking each other." He had turned to almost begging for her approval.

"I-" She could barely get a word out.

"If everyone hates you, and everyone hates me. Then maybe it's us versus them." He said, his eyebrows pulling together, pleading for her agreement. "Give me another chance, please."

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