10. i finally get the hype over Quidditch (Uniforms)

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mature content warning~

Quidditch was still one of the least interesting
things possible as far as Juniper was concerned. Even though the weather was fine and there were no Dementors flying around and sucking away the happiness from the stadium, she'd rather be in bed, away from Draco. And Pansy. She had become blissfully unaware of Pansy's presence for a while, until she came back from the Christmas break, more annoying than ever.

"It must suck not having a family to go home to." Pansy said once she sat down between Draco and Juniper.

"Hi Pansy. How was your holiday?" Juniper ignored the bitterness.

"Great." Pansy said, sticking her foot up and laying on a thick baby voice. "Draco, can you please tie my shoe?" Draco sighed in response, lazily tying her shoe laces together. He was sick of her too, but didn't feel like talking to her. Once the match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw began, Juniper tried her hardest to concentrate on it, trying to learn what each player did and how the scores worked, just so she didn't have to respond to Pansy. She noticed that Harry was flying around a lot faster than anyone else on the field, his own team included. She also noticed that Fred and George Weasley were trying to keep up with him, shouting directions and shoving way anyone that tried to get near Harry. She thought that was pretty entertaining.

"Are you coming?" Pansy snapped her fingers in front of Juniper's eyes, tearing her attention away from the Gryffindor team.

"Where?" Juniper turned her head and saw that Draco, Pansy and Marcus Flint were all a few metres away, out of earshot. With a roll of her eyes, Juniper tucked her knees up under her chin and turned back to watch the game. More specifically, to watch Fred push his hair away from his eyes and wipe the sweat off of his forehead. She follows him with her eyes, watching him and his brother weave around each other and pass the balls off to the other Gryffindor players.

"I never thought I'd see you actually paying attention to a Quidditch game." A sweet, familiar voice dropped into the spot where Pansy was a few minutes ago.

"I'm not." Juniper grumbled back, wrapping her arms around her legs. She winced as she watched as a big iron ball crashed into Freds side, knocking him off balance. He slowly drifted back down to the grass, hopped off his broom and ducked under the stands, Madam Pomfrey rushing behind him.

"The first thing you say to me after months is 'I'm not'?" Matilda scoffed, ignoring the glares she was getting from the few Slytherin's that decided to turn up to the match.

"How are you?" Juniper turned her head slightly, too scared to make eye contact.

"I've been okay. But how have you been?"

"I've been fine." Juniper shrugged. If she looked at Matilda now, she'd be called out for lying, if she kept looking at the game, she'd be called out for hiding something. "I'm just a busy girl."

"Ha! Since when?" Matilda laughed, waiting for Juniper to face her. "What's Draco doing?"

"What?" Juniper snapped her head, surprised that Matilda was being so straightforward, but also scared incase one of Draco's friends was listening in. "Nothing, we're fine. Don't worry about me."

"No, I mean there." Matilda pointed to the Quidditch field. Under the Ravenclaw stands, Malfoy was climbing onto Marcus Flint's shoulders, his robes draped over his head.

"Probably something to traumatise Harry." Juniper shrugged, playing it off.

"Oh my god. Look!" Matilda practically jumped out of her seat, pointing at the grass. Juniper looked over the side of the stand and saw a bright flash of light, and a mess of black robes on the ground in front of Harry and Cho Chang. Not sparing a second, Harry lifted his hand into the air, signalling that he caught the Golden Snitch.

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