59. the silent game

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For the next few weeks, Juniper was escorted to and from her dormitory for meals, classes, and study sessions by either Draco or Pansy (under Draco's order). The only time she was alone, was between her head hitting the pillow at night, and her eyes opening in the morning. Draco insisted he was being so protective because he didn't want to 'sit through another boring funeral at Hogwarts', but Juniper knew that deep, deep, down, he cared for her. He even cared enough to make shit up for her. And Theo hadn't acknowledged her presence at all, which Juniper was ecstatic about.

For the first week and a bit she had managed to avoid Fred, and most of the Gryffindors. The only way she knew they were at school was by Matilda's endless stream of gossip, letting Juniper know where Fred was, when he was there, and who he was with. And for once she was thankful that her best friend didn't know how to shut up. And even though she had no idea what had happened, Matilda committed to making sure no one had the opportunity to interrupt her, and Blaise caught on, taking over when Matilda inevitably needed to take a deep breath, or drink some water.

"She was sitting with him at breakfast again." Matilda blabbered on, mixing her cauldron during potions. They were talking about Angelina Johnson, who had been hanging off the Weasley twins since Juniper and Fred had fought. It made Juniper's blood boil just to think about, but she was trying not to look crazy about it. "She's actually obsessed with him."

"She hasn't had one meal away from him since we came back." Blaise added, adopting Matilda's love for gossip.

"Of course, I'm not there anymore so she's swooping in like a little..." Juniper searched for a word, bashing the end of her knife against a pile of pumpkin seeds. "Like a little swooper."

"You tell 'em girlfriend." Matilda laughed. "You can be meaner, it's not like we'll tell anyone."

"I don't think I can be meaner, my hearts not in it." Juniper shrugged,

"Okay first, I know you can be meaner, I've seen first hand how evil you can be." Matilda tried giving a pep talk. "And second, didn't Angelina call you a bitch to your face?"

"Yeah... among other things to her friends."

"Exactly! Juniper, she's also trying to steal your man." Matilda said, putting her tools down to look at Juniper. "I don't know if you two have broken up, if you're on a break, if you never want to talk to him again, you two couldn't gotten married over Christmas and I'd have no clue! God knows you don't tell me what's going on as it's happening."

"Matilda." Blaise tried to circle her back to the subject.

"Sorry, Merlin knows." Matilda rolled her eyes. "It doesn't matter. What she's doing is disrespectful. To you, and that gorgeous six-foot-something, built like a god, redheaded... man." Matilda had to take a deep breath, getting too passionate.

"I'm right here, Matilda." Blaise added, his eyes still on his cauldron.

"I know, baby." Matilda smiled, fawning over her boyfriend. "And I know you agree with me."

"He is quite tall." Blaise nodded.

"Six foot 4 and a half." Juniper supplied, nodding along with him.

"Jesus Christ!" Matilda shouted, louder than anyone expected, getting looks from across the room. "Are you serious?"

"Yep." Juniper continued to nod, keeping her head low so no one would look at her.

"Do you even have to get down to give him head?" Matilda leaned forward to whisper, her eyes practically bulging out of their sockets. "Or do you just... crouch down a little bit?"

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