15. where will your loyalties lie?

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Fred tried to hide how hard he had to pinch himself. He couldn't concentrate on the Quidditch happening literally in front of his eyes, his eyes tracked back and forth but he could only think of Juniper's presence sitting beside him. He felt like he hadn't breathed since he'd seen her appear from behind Draco. Compared to the Malfoy's, she was glowing. With the way her hair naturally fell, and how it contrasted against her dress, and the tan she managed to develop over the Summer. Draco took his black suit jacket off and draped it over her shoulders, noticing how hard and long Fred had been staring for. When she took a seat beside him, the familiar smell of rose petals and peppermint washed over him, creating a sense of longing inside of him, despite her only being a few inches away.

"What?" She said bluntly, tearing his eyes away from her hands, which were sitting in her lap.

"What?" He said back, taking a moment to come back down to earth. After watching an annoyed scowl cross her face, he readjusted in his seat before answering. "Nothing."

"Don't look at me." She hissed under her breath, trying to keep Draco's attention away from her.

"Why would I be looking at you?" He scoffed, pointing down and out the window. She followed his finger to see a group of Veela dancing, cheering on the Bulgarian team and stealing the attention of probably thousands of Wizards in the stands. She rolled her eyes and scoffed instead of answering, but not at him. The thought of a team bringing Veela, to showcase them like animals, disgusted her. She sat back in her chair with her arms cross looking away from them. "I didn't mean to make you jealous." Fred joked, only paying half of his attention toward the Veela.

"It's offensive." She rolled her eyes, looking how Draco was staring down at them. If he had noticed how her knees were angled slightly closer to Fred's than his own, he'd go off, but he couldn't take his eyes of them long enough to notice, or care.

"They seem to be okay with it." Fred shrugged it off, not thinking twice about it.

"That's not the point." Juniper glared at him. She thought of telling him how she really felt, how small it made her feel. That being even half a Veela, meant that she was reduced to just a pretty face. Always underestimated and overlooked, to be seen and never heard. After a long pause and an expectant eyebrow raise from Fred, she settled. "I wouldn't expect you to understand."

Fred didn't reply, he was too busy trying to figure out what she meant by that. He watched the rest of the Quidditch game, half-heartedly, trying to focus on the bet that he and George had made with Ludo Bagman, rather than Juniper and how her legs were bouncing up and down anxiously. From further down the row of seats, he could her Ron and Harry screaming along with the match.

"No. No. No." Panic crossed their faces, watching Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian seeker, catch sight of the Golden Snitch. "No! No! No! No!"

"Fred." George whacked his twin in the chest, getting to his feet with excitement. Fred was too caught up in his head, trying to decide if he should pull the hem of Juniper's dress back down to her mid-thighs, or to leave it for her to fix. He winced in pain as he was hit again.

"Krum! You idiot!" Ron and Harry screamed with their whole chest, their hearts breaking as Krum caught the Snitch.

"Fred we did it!" George jumped in the air, celebrating by himself. He glanced down to see Fred looking down at Juniper's legs, still contemplating his decision. With a quick backhand over the head, Fred snapped out of his longing gaze. "We did it, you horny bastard!"

"What?" Fred said, painfully aware of all of the eyes that turned on him because of George's comment. And then in shock. "What?"

"We won our bet! Krum got the snitch but the Irish won!" And in sync, the two twins turned to Ludo Bagman, who was sitting behind them, with their hands outstretched. Their winnings were, very reluctantly, placed into their hands.

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