41. prefect duties

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Mrs. Weasley lectured Juniper the entire way to Kings Cross Station. She warned Juniper that the entire Order could be compromised if the Malfoy's knew about Juniper staying with them, and had taken to Fred.

"Honestly it's bad enough that Lucius saw you at the Ministry with Arthur but- sorry." She apologised once she saw Juniper's face fall. "But nonetheless, keep the interaction to a minimum, please."

"Sure thing, Mrs. Weasley." Juniper nodded, spotting the station behind some houses. The group was surrounded by wizards, all for Harry's protection. Juniper wasn't quite sure what he had done to need all this security, but she was happy she was with people.

"And if you don't mind dear, wait behind a few minutes, just so we aren't all seen together. You never know who's a Deatheater these days."

"Sure." Juniper nodded, a bit disappointed that she won't be able to say goodbye to anyone properly. Fred had given a very long kiss at the house, but other than that, she hadn't spoken to anyone else.

Once they made it to the station, Juniper grabbed her trunk from one of the security wizards and trailed behind the group, trying to act as casually as she could. She watched the Weasleys pass through the barrier to Platform 9¾, pretended to read a timetable, and then made her way through.
The platform was a lot quieter then she had remembered it, but she just blamed it on her poor mood. After loading her trunk, she watched Harry step onto the third carriage, and made the decision to get on the fifth, just to be safe. She trudged along the corridors, looking for an empty compartment to sit in, hopefully by herself, when the train began to move. The sound of students shouting goodbye through the window to their parents echoed until she was far enough away that the compartments were unoccupied.
The train was picking up speed when she sat down, she closed the door and the blinds soon as she could, ready for a few hours of silence and bliss, when there was a soft knock on the door. With a groan she got up, sliding the door open just a few inches. Hermione was grinning at her.

"What are you doing? We're not meant to be talking?" Juniper hissed under her breath, not wanting to be heard by anyone that walked past.

"We have to go to the Prefect carriage." She continued to grin, ecstatic with her new superiority. "Debriefing from the Heads of houses, corridor monitoring, detention giving... you know, Prefect stuff."

"Are you serious?" Juniper raised her eyebrows, hoping this was just a prank Fred set up.

"Serious." Ron mumbled from behind the door, Juniper slid it a few ore inches to see him slouching, trying to hide his pin that Molly made his wear on his usual clothes.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Hermione grabbed Junipers hand, dragging her through the door. "Plus, you get to find out who the other prefect is."

"Yay." Juniper said unenthusiastically, wishing she had spoken to Remus about revoking the title.

The Prefect carriage was at the very front of the train, so they had to walk the length of the train to get there, stopping so Hermione could wave to her friends. Juniper and Ron followed along like they were being lead to their deaths, not raising their heads or making eye contact with anyone. Once they reached the Prefect carriage, Juniper took a seat away from Hermione and Ron, sitting beside the window. A Ravenclaw sixth year went to sit in the empty spot in front of her, but changed her mind last minute, sitting on the floor.

"Is everyone here?" The Head girl clapped her hands, trying to seem as cheerful as possible. She counted all the students in the room before frowning. "We're missing one, ah! Here he... is." She trailed off, sounding disappointed.

Juniper adverted her eyes to the door, seeing Draco in the entrance. He glanced around the room, a disgusted look already plastered on his face, before he spotted Juniper. He looked away quickly, but still made his way over, sitting across from her. Juniper could feel Hermione and Ron staring from across the carriage.
The Head girl began speaking, which Juniper drowned out, looking up at Draco.

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