49. the first (and last) Wild Weasley Ween party

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The best fix that Madam Pomfrey had for Juniper's leg was a bandage. She had said it was dark magic that was used, and that completely healing the scars would be a very long and gruelling process.

"The best cure for the pain is being with your friends. It sounds sill, but I've seen it work wonders."  She said as she wrapped Juniper's leg. "Years ago I had a student come in with broken bones, scratches and cuts all over, but it only took a visit from their friends, or boyfriend, and they were begging to get out of bed. I've never found a potion or spell that works nearly as well."

"I'm glad it worked for them." Juniper smiled back. "But I doubt I have as many friends as they did."

"I don't know about that, Miss Jones." Madam Pomfrey said, before ushering her out. "You can come back after any detention, don't feel the need to hide it from me."

"Thankyou." Juniper said, turning down the stairs. As she made her way back to the Slytherin common room, she'd catch glimpses of students running cross the halls with their costumes behind them, struggling to find last minute pieces. There was no doubt there'd be a few different parties, between the different year levels and friendship groups, but Fred and George's was sure to be the biggest, and most socially diverse, party of the night.
Juniper had no idea what Fred was going to dress up as, and she wondered if she should've suggested matching costumes. But it was almost certain that he'd be matching with George anyway, and she didn't want it to seem like they were dating when they weren't.
Unless they were?
They had been living in an ambiguous little space of friends-with-benefits, that were also strictly committed to one another. At least, she was strictly committed to him. She trusted that he hadn't been sleeping with other girls, but she couldn't be sure. She convinced herself that it'd be fine if he had been, she was the one that turned down his attempt at asking her to be his girlfriend. When he interrupted Theo and Juniper in the library, he casually referred to it as a date, completely unbothered. And then he dodged her question about hooking up with other girls.
Or maybe she was just overthinking the entire thing. That was most likely the case. There was no doubt that she'd end up asking him anyway, as soon as she got a drop of alcohol into her system.
Juniper was so deep in thought, she had walked to the Great Hall, half an hour before lunch was going to be served.

"Everyone watch out, Juniper is deep in thought." Matilda laughed from the end of a table, snapping Juniper's attention away. Matilda, Blaise and Theo were sitting around a dark piece of fabric, all gluing little mirrors onto it. "Sit down and grab some glue, June."

"What are you guys doing?" Juniper mumbled, sliding next to Theo and grabbing a tube of glue.

"Making my costume for tonight. The muggle way." Matilda answered, flicking her eyes at Blaise. "Guess what it is."

"Shiny? Reflective?"

"No." Matilda rolled her eyes. "I'm going as a mirrorball. Like they have at discos and stuff. What are you going as?"

"Um... I think I'm going as a Quidditch player." Juniper replied unenthusiastically. Her mind was still on Fred. "I can still borrow your uniform, right Theo?"

"Of course." Theo grinned.

"Oh. That's interesting." Matilda said, eyeing Juniper up and down. "I thought you'd go as... something to do with liquorice. Or matching with someone. With liquorice. Do you not like liquorice anymore?"

"No, I really like liquorice." Juniper caught onto Matilda's codename quickly, ignoring the strange looks from Blaise and Theo. "But...  I don't know if I'm the only person that is having liquorice. I never exclusively committed to liquorice, and vice versa."

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