60. what not to do after a breakup

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That innocent little question she asked Theo was how she ended up sitting side by side with him, her legs swung over his, at breakfast, lunch and dinner for an entire week. They shared plates of food, fed each other forkfuls and whispered into each other's ears, all to the horror of everyone in the vicinity.
The Gryffindor table gave her the dirtiest of looks, not even attempting to hide their disgust. Fred rarely ever looked over, his eyes either trained onto his plate, or watching Angelina as she talked. Whenever he did the latter, Juniper kicked it up a notch, desperate for a reaction. She thought it was quite fun, it had been a while since she had flirted with someone for no real reason, and it boosted her mood, making the day go by faster.
That night at dinner, Fred's eyes were stuck to a newspaper, while Juniper was basically sitting on Theo's lap, when Draco came over during dinner one night, his own newspaper in his hands.

"What is this?" He asked, a scowl plastered across his face. He stayed standing up, refusing to sit with them. "I thought you two hated each other."

"We're just... cozying up." Juniper shrugged playfully, running her fingers through Theo's hair.

"And hate is such a strong word." Theo added, his arm wrapped around Juniper's waist. "What's it mean to you, anyway?"

"Because she's my ex." Draco said, his eyebrows pulling together.

"Oh yeah... I forgot about that." Juniper laughed.

"And you used a love potion on her." Draco added. "And she has a boyfriend."

"Well... I'm actually not quite sure about that last bit." Juniper said. "And, he said sorry for the potion."

"No I didn't." Theo reminded her.

"Oh." Juniper thought for a second, looking for an excuse for Theo. "The potion is in the past, no use dwelling on it."

"Juniper. Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Draco pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Whatever you have to say to her, you can say to me." Theo argued, grabbing a few people's attention. Juniper looked at Draco expectantly, waiting for him to talk.

"I think Juniper would want to talk about this alone." Draco said, looking straight at her.

"I'm fine with it being here." Juniper shrugged, challenging Draco.

"It's about your inheritance. Your house. Sorry- your grandmothers house."

Her face fell, and a strong bitterness grew in her heart, livid that Draco would bring her up, ever. She was so upset, it snapped her out of her act with Theo, shoving him away from her as she stood up.
Eyes from all around the dining hall watched her stand, staring Draco down from across the table. Every student in the room had The Daily Prophet within their vicinity, and they had all read the article airing out a story about her grandmother, whether it was true or false.
A few people cheered sarcastically as Juniper followed Draco out of the great hall, happy that they could go back to eating without having to witness her and Theo cuddling up anymore.

"What's the article about?" Juniper asked Draco as soon as they had left the hall, following the corridors to get to a secluded area. "Does it tell the truth?"

"Your house is infested with Deatheaters." He said, handing her the newspaper. The front cover showed a mugshot of a crazy woman, her black curls taking up most of the page as she grinned wildly. "Bellatrix Lestrange and ten others. My dad sent them all to your house to hide out."

"I knew that already. As soon as I left your house I knew this was going to happen, Draco." Juniper sighed, handing the paper back to him. "There's really nothing that I can do."

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