7. the best day of Draco's life

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Juniper didn't understand the hype around Quidditch, especially when it was raining so heavily that you couldn't even see what was happening a few meters in front of you. And the rain dripping from Juniper's drenched hair down to the back of her t-shirt wasn't helping. -shirt. The only exciting part of the match was when she could faintly see Harry Potter fall off his broom, plummeting all the way to the ground, and having to be carried off the field. While Juniper thought it was entertaining, it was nothing compared to how Draco was reacting. 

"Ha!" He applauded to himself, trying to high-five everyone around him in celebration. "And Diggory caught the snitch, what a game!"

"What a shame it wasn't Slytherin playing." Juniper muttered to herself, shrugging slightly.

"What?" Draco's head snapped to her. 

"I just thought it would've been cool if you caught the snitch while he dropped, but Diggory is fine." She smiled to herself, knowing that she was slowly getting under his skin. Draco didn't reply, instead he continued to cheer for Harry's injury, the rest of the audience silent. 

 "This calls for a celebration." He said loudly to the Slytherin stands. 

"But it's a Sunday?" Crabbe wiped away the rain from his eyes, squinting so that no more would get in his eyes. 

"So? Gryffindor lost and Potter's in the hospital, it's the best day of my life." He beamed, puffing his chest out proudly. 

"Can we go?" Juniper turned to him, painfully aware of how cold her nose and fingers were. Her eyebrows were pulled together and she bounced up and down on the spot, trying to warm herself up. She looked past Draco at Crabbe, who was still trying to get the rain out of his eyes. "It's freezing and Crabbe is about to lose his eyesight." Draco turned his stare to Crabbe, a disgusted look crawled over his face. With a sigh, Draco wrapped his arm over Juniper's shoulders and started shoving through the crowd toward the school. Once they were inside, Draco waved his wand over the two of them, drying their clothes, but leaving their hair damp. 

"Sorry, I haven't quite mastered it yet." He shrugged when Juniper tucked a dripping piece of hair behind her ear. Draco tucked his wand back into his pocket and held out his hand for Juniper to take. 

"What?" She stared at it, wondering what he wanted. She wouldn't expect him to do something nice for her and apologise within the same minute, let alone hold her hand as well. 

"Hold my hand." He ordered, wrapping his fingers around hers, palm to palm, and started walking toward the Dungeons. They passed the hospital on their way, walking past it at first, but Draco turned on his heel almost immediately, staring down the corridor. 

"Do you need a other bandage for your arm?" Juniper rolled her eyes, just wanting to go dry her hair and get into bed. She started wriggling her fingers out of Draco's clasp, only for his grip to tighten even more. 

"We should check up on Potter." He smirked, his eyes lighting up with mischief. Within a second, Juniper was being dragged down the hallway, passing Madam Pomfrey and her yelling, passing students in bandages in beds, and even Cedric Diggory, who had just won the Quidditch game. 

"Can we not? I'm all wet and-." Neither Draco nor Juniper was paying attention to who was around them, and he swung her straight into someone. She slipped out of Draco's hand and stumbled to the ground. Draco didn't notice, he was already taunting Harry, a few centimetres away from his face. 

"Watch where you're going." Ron Weasley looked down at her, rubbing his shoulder from where her head hit him. His nose scrunched up as they made brief eye contact and he turned back to Harry, not offering any help. Juniper stayed on the floor for a moment, watching the group above her. Harry's close friends were yelling at Draco to back off, each stealing glances at Juniper and then back to Draco. As she started to stand up, a pair of hands grabbed her by the shoulders and helped her balance, she didn't even need to look behind her to know who it was. The smell of wild lavender, mixed with the rain from the storm, filled her brain, and all she could focus on was the feeling of his hand on her lower back, making sure she was upright. Without a thought, she turned her head to look up at Fred, he was still in his Quidditch uniform, except completely dry. 

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