62. worst Valentines day ever

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Fred took Juniper to the Three Broomsticks, only realising it was Valentines day when it was too late, and they had entered the building full of hormonal teenagers, making out over tables, sharing drinks, and feeling each other up under the table. Worst of all, Ginny was there with Michael Corner, hiding in a booth together, sitting on the same side. Fred led Juniper to a free table, one that was close enough to Ginny that he could keep an eye on her. He didn't realise how long his eyes were burning into the side of Michaels head until Juniper cleared her throat loudly, snatching his attention back, she was holding two glasses of Butterbeer for them.

"Do you want to swap sides, so you don't have to look at them?" Juniper asked, sounding a lot kinder and more patient than she really felt. She was ignoring the fact that he hadn't looked at her once since she met him outside the Slytherin common room.

"No, I want to make sure he keeps his hands to himself." His eyes flicked back to Michael, who had inched closer to Ginny. Fred just about leapt out of his seat then and there, his chair screeching against the floor as he stood up abruptly.

"Swap with me now." Juniper ordered, getting out of her own seat. Her patience was starting to wear thin, and she was ready to snap at any moment. "I came here to talk, not to watch you cockblock your sister."
Fred was lucky she didn't hear what he mumbled under his breath as they swapped seats. He sat down reluctantly, sneaking one final glare over his shoulder at Michael.

"Are you wearing makeup?" Fred asked after a short, awkward silence. He knew her well enough to notice how her eyelashes looked a little too long, her lips were slightly rounder than usual, and her cheeks were never that pink, especially not when she was in one of her moods, like she was now. "Why? You know you don't need it."

"I've been wearing it this whole time, glad you finally noticed." She scoffed under her breath, something he wouldn't pick up on. Her eyeroll, though, he definitely caught. "And it's the first time I've ever had to."
Fred cocked his head to the side, waiting for Juniper to elaborate while he drank from his glass. She didn't even try to explain. He wouldn't understand it, or he'd throw endless compliments at her, which were always welcome, but they wouldn't make her feel any better.

"Are you going to tell me what that means?" He asked finally, getting a head shake in response. Besides the fact that he simply wouldn't get it, it was also embarrassing to admit to. It was so embarrassing that it was the first time she felt the need to doll herself up for him, for anyone in that matter. She was so used to feeling confident in the way she looked, but the gross feeling inside of her began seeping out, making her question her worth beyond looks. When she woke up in the morning, she questioned whether Fred would still want to be with her if she looked as ugly as she felt, or as she acted. So she forced herself into  putting effort into her appearance, hoping it'd be the thing to save the relationship.

"Well..." Fred sighed after a long silence. "Did you have a good sleep?"

"What did you want to talk about, Fred?" Juniper huffed in annoyance, her arms crossing over her chest. Even if he had forgotten it was Valentines day, Juniper thought it was cruel to keep her there, with all of the happy, doe-eyed couples surrounding them. "Because this doesn't feel like a Valentines day date. And if it is, it's the worst one in the history of Valentines day dates."

"I will admit, I forgot it was Valentine's day today, and I didn't think this is what we'd be walking into." Fred laughed, trying to relieve some of the tension, but failing quite miserably. "Um, I wanted to talk about... everything."

"Understandable." Juniper shrugged, waiting for him to continue.

"We haven't spoken in... a while."

"I'm aware."

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