79. bleeding love

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The day before they were due back at school was one of the most bittersweet experiences that Juniper had ever had, it made her heart ache and soar and flutter and hurt. She never knew she could be so happy and in love while a storm of dread and fear loomed over her head like a promise of danger.
Fred was attached to her hip before they had even woken up, clutching to her like it'd be the last time they'd be in the same bed. Which was now a possibility on everyone's radar that only kept him awake at night as she slept soundlessly in his arms. He wasn't the only one that was panicked by the thought of everyone returning to Hogwarts. Instead of the Weasley's usual 'fend for yourself' style breakfasts, Mrs. Weasley treated everyone to pancakes and scrambled eggs, throwing together bizarre milkshake combination requests and offering juices from every fruit imaginable. Under her breath, Juniper insisted that it was just a parent already missing her children and wanting to spoil them before they all went back to school and work for the next few months. Fred knew that wasn't the case, his mother never made a big deal about going back to school unless it was someone's first year at Hogwarts. He knew his mother shared his concern for everyone that was going back to Hogwarts, and for him and George when they returned to working full time in Diagon Alley. And know that Juniper had confirmed that Draco Malfoy was a Deatheater, Fred's worry had ramped up to an all new level that had begun rubbing off on Juniper. He caught her calm façade slip whenever someone mentioned going back to Hogwarts, or when the word 'Slytherin' was mentioned in a passing joke. He noticed the far-away look in her eyes when she got ready for bed each night, feeling the days creep closer and closer until she had to leave again.
After their big show of a breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley disappeared off to the Ministry while all the kids piled into the loungeroom to sit around the fireplace. It was too cold outside to do anything else, and backyard Quidditch was now completely out of the question. Fred would never say no to lounging round all day, and when Juniper crawled into his lap, he couldn't think of anything better than doing nothing. Fred felt his heart grow as Juniper relaxed into him, lacing her fingers with his playfully, kissing him on the cheek whenever she felt like it. Lost in their own conversational whispers, they didn't even notice how long the awkward silences dragged out around them, everyone groaning as the sound of their kissing filled the room. Despite the tantrum Ron had thrown over Juniper's mere presence in the house, she had never felt so comfortable in the Burrow, than she did in right there in Fred's arms.
Harry tried to entertain everyone around them with a game of charades, but eventually gave up when no one could guess what he was doing.

"The word was 'door'." He mumbled as he sat back down on the couch, sounding a lot more upset than he should've. "I can't believe you didn't get it, Hermione."

"That was the worst acting I have ever seen." Hermione defended herself, shuffling away from him. "There are, like, ten best ways to act out the word 'door'."

"Has anyone heard from-" Ron interrupted Harry and Hermione's bickering, causing Hermione to storm out of the room as soon as he began speaking. Ron's face immediately dropped into an angry scowl as he sank back into the chair, refusing to talk.

"What was that?" George asked loudly, poking his head up from the notebook that he was frantically scribbling in. Judging by the toothy grin that spread across his face, George was obviously trying to get under Ron's skin. "Does it have anything to do with one Miss Lavender Brown?"

"Shut up." Ron growled, his arms crossing over his chest as he sulked. "It's nothing."

"I think so." Fred joined in on the teasing, his fingers brushing a strand of hair away from Juniper's eyes, giving her another kiss on the forehead. "I don't think I've seen Granger talk to you at all this Christmas."

"I said shut up!" Ron repeated, his scowl growing more severe by the second.

"And that attitude is because Hermione won't speak to him." Juniper joined in, biting her lip to hide how happy it made her to make fun of Ron. "As was yesterday's moment too, I believe."

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