32. mrs. weasley's opinion

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"I don't care if Dumbledore left her on the doorstep himself, she is not staying here." Molly Weasley screeched at breakfast the next day. She and Fred had gotten into a screaming match when she caught Juniper in the Weasley boys room, and was still going strong. "This house is crowded enough."

"When have you ever cared about a crowded house, mum?" George spoke up, a spoonful of cereal in his mouth. He looked up, the smile on his face disappearing once he saw his mothers scowl. "Sorry."

"What's the real reason you don't want her here?" Fred asked, following Molly around the kitchen, trying to irritate her. He hadn't slept since Juniper arrived at the house, and his top was still wet from where Juniper's damp hair rested against it. 

"You know exactly why, Fred. Now sit and eat your breakfast." Molly continued to scowl, taking a seat at the head of the table, rubbing her head to ease her pounding headache. 

"I just want to hear you say it out loud." Fred said, crossing his arms and sitting on the table, right next to Molly's plate. "Just so you and everyone at the table can hear how inconsiderate you're being." He looked over his shoulder at his family, Hermione, Remus Lupin, and Nymphadora Tonks. 

"I'm not being inconsiderate, Fred. You already know how I feel about her kind." Molly sighed, ignoring the stares from around the tables. 

"'Her kind'? What's that meant to mean? George, do you know what that is meant to mean?" Fred continued to argue, beginning to pace around the kitchen. 

"I have no idea what that is meant to mean, Fred." George said, keeping his eyes on the table, trying to stay out of the argument.

"I believe it means that mum hates Juniper because she's part Veela." Fred spun on his heel, placing his hands on the table. "Mum is 'species-ist'."

"That's not a thing." Hermione and Remus whispered to themselves in unison, appalled by the way Fred's brain worked. 

"Being a Veela is not the problem." Molly defended herself. "I am just setting a boundary. We cannot be allowing random people into this house, especially not anyone associated with 'You-Know-Who'."

"What?" A few voices around the table spoke up, confused by the sudden connection to Voldemort.

"Arthur?" Molly groaned, rubbing her temples. 

"What I think your mother is trying to say Fred, uh..." Arthur looked to Molly for guidance, receiving a glare in return. "Being a Veela isn't the only problem. Being a Veela and in Slytherin is the problem."

"No." Molly sighed in frustration. "She has lived with the Malfoy's, possibly attended Deatheater meetings, and she says she might be targeted next. This is a threat that we can't allow in this safe house, especially not once Harry arrives."

"You're just looking for excuses, mum." Fred groaned, heading towards the hallway. "She's already here, she knows where the house is. She may as well just stay anyway."

"We'll see what Sirius thinks. Until then, I'm not cooking any extra meals or making an extra beds." Molly said, her tone finalising the argument, not allowing anyone else to add on. 
Fred glared at her from the doorway, watching her eat her breakfast like nothing was wrong. Ron waved him over, trying to get him to sit down and relieve the awkward tension in the air. As dramatically as possible, Fred grabs a plate and loads it up with as much food as he can fit. He shot one final glare at Molly and walked out of the kitchen.
He made his way up several flights of stairs to the top floor, knocking gently on the door to the room that he, George, Ron, and now Juniper, shared. Not hearing a response from the other side, he opened it slowly, peering his head through the gap of the door, spotting Juniper on the couch in the far corner of the room she had been sitting on since she arrived.

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