6. taunting

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Draco pretended like nothing happened. Throughout the week he flirted with Juniper, joked around with his friends and acted completely normal. The only difference was that he never let her out of his reach. In private, he demanded that she sat next to him, thighs touching, during all of their classes and meals, that she followed him around during their free time, only speaking when she was spoken to. While Juniper wasn't scared of Draco himself, she was scared of what his family could do. It wasn't a secret that they were devoted to Lord Voldemort, or that their threats weren't empty. Juniper knew that if she stepped out of line, one letter to Lucius Malfoy could remove her from her Grandmother's care, and quite possibly from her Grandmother's memory.
Despite her Professors, Draco was the only person Juniper had interacted with for the past few days, raising suspicion with her friends. They wondered how she could've gone from avoiding Draco at all costs, to following him around like a dog on a leash within a matter of days.
Blaise, Matilda and Theo figured out pretty quickly that there were threats involved, it wasn't like Juniper to make this dramatic of a change, this quickly. The numb, vacant look that stayed on her face all week assured them of that, she looked defeated from the moment she woke up to the minute she disappeared to her dorm.
Even Professor Snape made a comment when he was filling in for Professor Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, asking Draco to give Juniper a bit of breathing room, since he was basically sitting on her. He had shuffled a few inches away, but still hovered more than necessary. Harry Potter had kept his eyes on the two when Snap went back to teaching the class, noticing how out of character it was for both the Slytherin's to be acting how they were. Draco had never been so possessive over a friend, and Juniper had never given in to someone so easily. Harry watched in silence as Draco let out a wolf howl, mocking whatever fact Hermione Granger had interrupted the class with. Harry continued watching as Draco nudged Junipers side sharply, whispering into her ear with a menacing look on his face, his eyes wandering the room to land on Harry's. Harry darted his eyes back to his parchment, hoping that Draco wouldn't think anything of his staring.

"Fold this, would you." Draco hissed as Juniper, shoving a small piece of paper into her hand. He claimed his arm as still healing from the attack a few months ago, so he wore a sling. He even insisted that he couldn't possibly play Quidditch in his state, meaning Gryffindor would have to play Hufflepuff that week instead of Slytherin, and so Juniper couldn't run out of his sight during the match. Juniper took her time folding the piece of paper into a small crane, focusing all of her energy onto the paper, making sure each of the intricate folds were perfect, despite how crumpled the paper had become in Draco's pocket. Once she was done, Draco snatched it from her, scratching her fingers with the chunky metal rings he was wearing, and delicately blew on it, sending it flying towards Harry and Hermione's table. She watched for the reaction, no expression on her face, before turning her eyes back to the table.

"It just shows that Malfoy's scared of losing." Ron reassured Harry, the morning of the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff match. Harry had been ranting all week about how Slytherin had dropped out of the match because of Draco's 'injury'.

"No shit, Ron." Harry grunted, dropping into his spot at the Gryffindor table. He didn't feel like eating, considering how nervous he was for the game. With the Dementors guarding the school, the weather slowly worsening and having to play against Cedric Diggory, who was significantly older and more experienced than he was.

"Maybe Juniper does have him wrapped around her finger." Ron mumbled, nodding his head towards the Slytherin's, focusing on how close Draco and Juniper were sitting. "Maybe she just wants him around all the time, doesn't want to be alone during the match, so she makes him not play." Ron chuckled to himself, creating his own story in his head.

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