46. the original plan

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"How kind of you to finally join us, Miss Jones." Professor Snape drawled as Juniper took her seat in her double potions class that Monday. Hermione had given her an encouraging thumbs up when she walked in, the rest of the class knew better than to stare or ask any questions. Juniper knew Matilda's interrogation would be coming soon, but she had time to settle in first.

"You're welcome." Juniper snapped back, slouching.

"Psst." Matilda whispered into Juniper's ear, making her jump. "Did you see Longbottom swing at Malfoy? Landed one and gave him a black eye."

"Longbottom?" Juniper raised her eyebrows, looking to the table Neville Longbottom was sitting at. He was slouched just as Juniper was, his chin tucked in and staring at the table. He was ignoring whatever Harry, Ron and Hermione were trying to talking to him about. Then she turned her head to where Draco's gang usually sat, and there he was, swearing under his breath as a blue bruise started forming on his cheekbone where Neville's fist must've landed. "Good for him." Juniper mumbled.

"Silence please." Professor Snape stared at the girls before continuing. "We have a guest in our lesson today." He gestured to his side. Professor Umbridge was sitting on a stool, a clipboard resting on her knee. She was dressed head to toe in pink, her mousy brown hair in tight curls, she couldn't have been more than 5 feet tall, but even Snape seemed intimidated by her presence.
Professor Snape instructed the students to continue on their potions from the previous lesson, turning to Professor Umbridge to be questioned for a majority of the lesson. Matilda told Theo to share his potion with Juniper since he was the one that gave her the idea to skip classes for a month, with a dramatic sputter and a long groan, he obliged.
At the end of the lesson, Snape assigned the homework and dismissed the class, calling out for Juniper to stay for a 'quick talk'.

"You wanted to see me professor?" She sat on a table in front of his desk, her legs swinging lazily. Snape almost told her off, but decided to ignore it.

"It's my, and a number of your other teachers, understanding that you have not attended a majority of your compulsory lessons for the past month." He started in his usual monotone, disinterested voice. "Do you have a reason for these unexplained absences?"


"What is it?"

"It's personal." Juniper shrugged, not letting on. She wanted to waste as much of his time as she could, just for fun.

"I will ask again, as both a concerned professor, and the head of your house. Do you have a reason for these unexplained absences?"

"It's a personal issue."

"If you don't provide a reason, you will have to make up the time you spent absent from class in detention, or we'll have to speak to the Headmaster."

"Please, can we?" Juniper jumped off the desk, ready to head off to Dumbledore's office that instant. "Should we grab Draco too? I think we all have a few things to say and own up to."

"Miss Jones!" Snape called out, regretting ever saying anything to her, she was already out the classroom door. He sighed to himself, starting to follow her at an awkward speed, somewhere between a speed walk and a jog. Once he was caught up to her, he began hissing under his breath, trying to minimise the attention they were receiving from other students "Miss Jones, I demand you to go back to the classroom to discuss your absences."

"I'd rather speak to the Headmaster about it." Juniper continued storming through the corridors, her eyes set straight, only focusing on getting to Dumbledore's office.
When they turned the corner, Draco was leaning against the wall, waving his arms around animatedly as he told Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle a story. As they passed, Juniper snatched him by his dark green tie, harshly yanking him down so he'd double over, following her like a puppy on a leash.
Further down, the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team, plus Hermione and Lee, were enthralled by the sight of the three Slytherins head towards them. They all made the wise decision to split their group down the middle for Juniper to march through, not wanting the fire and fury in her eyes to be aimed at them next. 

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