56. a classic muggle date

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Fred Weasley seemed to be invincible to the judgemental stares and whispers of bystander wizards in the Ministry. The smile on his face was wide and bright, proud that he was able to convince Juniper to wear the knitted sweater Molly had given him for Christmas two years ago. Initially, she had refused it when he walked out in an identical one, that he was given last Christmas, but once he got on his knees and begged, she couldn't say no. She had it mostly covered up by a winter coat, with a beanie, gloves, and the pink scarf Esme had left her.
As soon as they had walked into the Ministry, she was in a foul mood. The memory of seeing Lucius there last August had clouded her mind, making her look over her shoulder every few steps, staring at each and every wizard they passed like they were about to attack her. Once they had converted some of her money into muggle money, she held the bag against her chest, clenching it as tight as possible. As they made their way back through the ministry, Fred slung his arm over her shoulders, providing her with another, very casual but comforting, level of security.

"I'm assuming you know where we're going?" Juniper said as they exited the doors, ending up on the streets London. She was still tense and she hadn't taken a deep breath since leaving Grimmauld place.

"I do, you can relax now." Fred hummed back, giving her shoulders a squeeze.

"I don't think I'll ever be relaxed." Juniper frowned, her mind still clouded and her mood receding. Fred didn't say anything, instead he began leading her through the streets. They ended up at a café. It was so busy, the line was out the door, but everyone that walked out had a bright smile and were cradling hot cups of coffee. "Are we going to find a Christmas tree in here?"

"No. Well... probably not." Fred admitted, joining the end of the line. "But I'm sure hot chocolate will relax you at least a little."

"The line isn't really helping." She muttered in response, nodding toward a group of teenagers ahead of them, all of them were staring. One of the boys whispered to another, and they began laughing, and the girls gave her a filthy look. "We can come back later, I just want to get back as soon as possible."

"They're only staring because you're the most beautiful person in the entire universe." Fred rolled his eyes, kissing her on the forehead. "And I have an entire day planned for us, you're not going to want to go back."

"Can we do it another day?" Juniper continued to pout, looking up at Fred.

"You're just in a bad mood from being back at the Ministry." Fred tucked a strand of Juniper's hair behind her ear for her, leaning into her ear to whisper. "Do you want me to hex them?"

"If you must. You haven't used magic yet today, you might explode soon." She sighed in defeat. "But I'm not going down with you if you get a letter from the Ministry."

"Please, like I've ever been caught doing something wrong." He scoffed, sneakily pulling his wand out from his sleeve. Keeping it hidden, he waved it at the group in front of them. "Give it a second."

"What did you- ewwww." Juniper watched as cockroaches and worms began spilling from the teenagers sleeves. The girls began screaming, ripping their coats off as quickly as the could, squealing as hundreds of insects pooled at their feet. They boys stood frozen, spiders crawling out of their beanies and down their faced. Most of the people in line or the café fled, disgusted and afraid by the sudden swarm of bugs. Juniper pat Fred on the arm, signalling him to stop. "The lines almost gone, you can make it stop now."

"Ginny taught me that one." Fred said proudly, following Juniper into the cafe. "She said she used it against Angelina after the party we had after the first task."

"Why'd she do that?"

"Because you told her about me and Angelina making out. And she wasn't happy about that." Fred's eyes widened, thinking back on the aftermath of that night.

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