63. going out with a bang

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Juniper wasn't sure how to feel. She didn't know if she was actually fine with being broken up with, or if she just didn't have the energy to react any differently. She was entirely numb to the situation, and too tired of everything to think about it more than a second.
No matter what Juniper felt, there wasn't much she could do anyway, other than try to act as normal as possible. Normal was the safest option. It brought her an odd sense of pride in herself, being normal and not letting herself crumble completely. Which was something she wouldn't have been able to even comprehend, had this break up happened five months earlier.
She actually went to her classes, did her work, dodged detentions with Umbridge and avoided all forms of gossip. She tagged along to Quidditch games and other school events with Matilda and Blaise. She faded into the background of her own and everyone else's lives, and she had convinced herself she was perfectly okay with it.

So she let the rest of the week pass.
And the next.
And the next, until February was over.
And then the first week of March came. And she let that week pass too.
And the next.
And the next two.
Then it was the first of April.

At breakfast she caught a glimpse of the Gryffindor table causing a scene, and then she went back to eating her plain toast, just as she had done for the past 47 or so days.
Then at dinner they caused another loud scene, trying to get the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw houses involved too. Slytherin wasn't encouraged to join in, obviously, but Juniper still stuck her head up, trying to see what was happening.
Through the gaps of the large crowd she saw Fred and George with paper crowns on their heads, both grinning down at a towering cake with sparkling candles in front of them. The crowd sang Happy Birthday and cheered and shared the cake.
Not realising she was still watching, Juniper's eyes were trained on the last slice of cake. It was chocolate mud flavour, decorated with rainbow frosting. She wasn't a big fan of cake, but her mouth watered at how rich and moist it looked.The plate it was on lifted into the air, and for a split second Juniper thought she was moving it with her mind. Before she thought about how she wasn't that good at magic yet, she saw Fred's hand holding the plate. She allowed herself to look at him, his eyebrows raised, silently offering her some of the cake. They held eye contact for a second. It felt like a warm blanket, draping itself over Juniper's shoulders. As soon as she felt it, she shrugged that blanket off, shaking her head and turning her attention back to her dry, plain scone.

And then again, she let the week past.
And the next.

There was an afternoon she was reading in the Great Hall, she laid down on one of the benches, her hair sprawling out and her book floating in the air above her, the pages turning as she flicked her wand. She had no idea what she was reading, she almost tripped over the book in the library looking for a new potions textbook, and decided to grab that one instead.
She found it quite peaceful, being alone in the Great Hall, the only noise coming from students whispers as they passed the doors, or studied at a table far away from her. It was so relaxing, until Draco came striding in, Crabbe and Goyle behind him.

"These seats taken?" He asked, sitting down anyway. Juniper didn't reply and continued reading, blocking out the boys' voices as they talked, until Draco tapped her shoe.

"What?" She mumbled, her eyes still trained on the book.

"I thought you would've been caught at that Dumbledore's Army meeting. Has Umbridge tried to talk to you?" Draco asked, snatching Juniper's book out of the air.

"Huh?" Juniper propped herself up on her shoulders to glare at him. "What are you even talking about?"

"Have you been that out of it that you don't know what I'm talking about?" Draco sneered, putting on a show for Crabbe and Goyle on the opposite bench. "Potter's little club got caught and Umbridge has been questioning everyone on the sign up sheet. And Dumbledore disappeared, but I don't blame you for not caring about that."

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