74. Hogsmeade

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I miss you a lot. It's getting worse by the day.
Slughorn had amortentia in our first potions class, and it smelt just like you. I also smelt my old house, I want to try and visit it whenever I get the chance.
Theo is non-stop flirting with me, which isn't new, but he thinks he has a chance considering you and I are 'still broken up'.
Draco is acting suspicious, half the time he's missing, the other half of the time he's walking around with a scared look on his face. Whatever, not my business I guess.
I don't think I've ever been as excited for something as I am for this weekend. We're still meeting in Hogsmeade, right?
Lots of love, June

The snow fell early that year, covering the ground in a thick layer. Juniper was one of the first students up and ready to head to Hogsmeade, leading the charge behind the prefects. She was buzzing by the time she saw the Three broomsticks, like a vessel of energy, bundled up under layers of coats and scarves. As soon as she reached the small pub, she poked her head in, scanning for Fred's head of red hair. Bot spotting him, she waited outside, her legs bouncing to try and keep her warm. Waves of students passed her, filing into the pub, shooting her weird looks as they passed.

"Hi Juniper!" Hermione grinned as she passed with Harry and Ron. "Did you want to join us?"

"Are you trying to steal my girl, Granger?"Fred called out before Juniper could reject the trio. A wide smile broke out onto Juniper's face, her chest swelling as she pushed past Ron, running and jumping into Fred's embrace. A surge of overwhelming affection coursed through her body as she held onto him as tightly as she could. Without a second thought, she grabbed his face in her hands, pressing her lips against his roughly.

"Oh, ew."A few steps away, Ron gagged. "Can we go in before this gets ugly?"

"Save us a seat." Fred ordered, lips still against Juniper's, his fingers running against her jaw. "I missed you."

"I know you did." Juniper grinned, looking up at him. She slid her hands down, intertwining her fingers with his. "I missed you too."

"You're freezing, let's get you inside." Fred enclosed her hands in his own. "Seriously, how are you so cold? You look like a ball of yarn with legs. A beautiful one."

"Because I was out here waiting for you." Juniper frowned, following Fred into the pub. "How are you so warm, you're not even wearing gloves?"

"Just my natural..." Fred trailed off, scanning the room for a table. The only seats left were the ones that Ron saved for them in a booth. "... radiance."

"I know, that was a stupid question." Juniper laughed to herself, following him blindly to sit with the trio. She slid into the booth, sandwiching herself between Fred and Ron. She didn't care about Ron, could've been sitting beside a troll and she still wouldn't have cared, she was too entranced by Fred beside her, her hands still in his. Hermione arrived at the table with three butterbeers in hand.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't realise you guys would actually sit with us." She said, placing the glasses on the table. "I'll go get some more."

"It's okay, I can get them." Fred suggested, urging Hermione to sit back down. Juniper gave him a long kiss as he stood up, craning her neck until they eventually parted, her hand dropping into her lap as he walked away.

"Everywhere I look, I see one of my siblings making out with someone." Ron groaned, taking a glass butterbeer in his hands. "Ginny in the corner with Dean, Fred and Juniper right next to me. I want to leave."

"You'll find someone to make out with soon, Ron." Juniper nudged him with her shoulder as she took off her coat, scarf and gloves. She was too high on her love for Fred, and completely forgot about the animosity between them.

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