38. bad reputation

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A few, suspiciously quiet, days had passed and Mrs. Weasley still hadn't yelled at Juniper and Fred for sleeping in the same bed, in fact, she had started being kinder to Juniper. And while Juniper found this quite weird and concerning, her thoughts were occupied with Fred, and what he was doing when she wasn't with him.
He and George had started to whisper to each other, hide things in their pockets or behind their backs when Juniper came near them, and spent a majority of their day locked in one of the study rooms of the house, not allowing anyone to come in.
Whenever Juniper brought it up, he brushed it off, referring to it as 'need-to-know twin stuff', then told her she didn't need to know, and then followed it all up with a peck on the cheek, which didn't really lower her suspicions at all.

One night, she was sitting in front of the locked study door, half waiting for Fred and George to come out, and half trying to eavesdrop through the door, which was useless anyway thanks to the silencing spell they used.
Downstairs, she heard the front door open, a few shuffling feet and some mumbles, and then the door closed. More mumbles, Mrs. Weasley shooing someone, and then the stairs began creaking. Juniper didn't know whether she should run and hide, or sit still and wait to see what happened, not even caring what could possibly be coming up the stairs.
But then the creaking stopped, not even making it to the third floor. Her shoulders sagged out of disappointment, turning her attention to the small ball her grandmother gave her, when she dropped it, it bounced like it was spring loaded, making it difficult to catch again. She threw it against the wall in front of her, hearing muffled voices from below her, and pretended like she wasn't feeling left out. Until it turned to shouting, and Juniper could almost make out the words.

"MMHUMPHR-DUMBLEDORE-BMMMSH-DEMENTORS-PSHPSH." Was all she heard, suddenly glad that she was left out. The shouting continued without any breaks for a while, before coming to a dramatic conclusion, to which the door behind Juniper swung open, letting her fall backwards.

"Woah, I got you." Fred stopped Juniper from landing hand on the floorboards.

"Thanks." She grumbled, helping herself up to her feet. "Can I know what you were doing?"

"Not yet. Harry's back." George grinned from beside his brother, rubbing his hands together. "Harry comes first."

"How do you know it's Harry?" Juniper asked as the twins passed by her, closing and locking the door to the study behind them.

"He went straight to the room Hermione and Ron are in." George rolled his eyes.

"And he's yelling. He does that often." Fred finished for his brother. He winked at Juniper before grabbing onto George's shoulder. "See you down there?"

"Down where?" Juniper asked as the twins disappeared with a crack. Her question was answered seconds later, by another loud crack and a few quick, short screams from below.
Unenthusiastically, she began walking down the stairs, not 100% sure she wanted to see Harry, if he was shouting at his friends, he was probably going to try and kill her.
She and Ginny made it to the landing of the second floor at the same time, Ginny coming from the ground floor.

"Going to see Harry?" Juniper tried to make conversation, pointing to the door.

"So what if I am?" Ginny blushed, hard, walking in front of Juniper. Without knocking, Ginny swung the door open, quickly greeting Harry before turning to her twin brothers. "It's a no-go with the ears. Mum's put a charm on the kitchen door."

"How'd you know?" George whined, his posture slouching slightly.

"About the ears? Or the curse?" Ginny crossed her arms, crossing the room to sit beside Hermione.

"Both." Fred shrugged.

"Tonks told me how to spot the charm. And you guys suck at hiding things, a blind troll would be able to figure out what you're doing." Ginny scoffed. Juniper tried to hide her blush, there was no way Juniper was more oblivious to the twins plans than a blind troll would be. At least, thats what she thought.

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