12. it's on sight

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Gryffindor winning the house cup was more than enough to set Draco off. As soon as he entered the common room that night, followed by Crabbe and Goyle, books, chairs, pillows, and other random gothic décor pieces were thrown across the room, either shattering against the wall or landing with a loud bang. He was seething. While all the other students scattered from the room, Juniper stayed in her seat, watching him from over her book. She had become completely unbothered by how violent he could be, except for the occasional wince when he took his threats a little too far. He walked over to the seat, his hands gripping to the roots of his hair as he groaned in frustration. 

"There's always next year." Juniper gently reached her hand out for him to grab. 

"He's going to be dead by then." Draco spat back, slapping her hand away and taking a seat next to her. 

"You don't mean that." She brushed it off, turning back to her page. 

"Yeah, I do." He said in defense, twisting his body so he could lean in closer, letting her know he was serious. "If I see any of those prats, I'll beat them into the ground."

"You're serious?" She closed the book, keeping her finger inside so she didn't lose her space. "You're going to fight the entire Gryffindor Quidditch team? On sight?"

"Not the girls." He scoffed as though she was being ridiculous. "That's your job."

"Pardon?" She sat upright.

"As a girlfriend, you have to." He said, thinking that this was all common sense. 

"I am not going to beat up random girls." She laughed back at him. 

"I don't care how you do it, just make them hate themselves so much that they don't want to play next year." He shrugged, taking her hands in his. Making her lose her page as her book dropped to the floor. She looked back up to him, giving her his best attempt at puppy dog  eyes as he rested his chin on their hands. "For me?"

"I..." The longer she hesitated, the colder and harsher his stare turned. "I guess I can do that."

"That's not good enough." He said.

"I'll do it." She said quietly. His cold glare turned into a warm smile within an instant. 

"Good girl." He purred, getting to his feet. He picked up the book she was reading and held it out of her reach. "Now get studying. I can't have my father thinking that I'm dating a dumb ditz." He walked off towards the boy dormitory, leaving her in the cold common room by herself. 

For the entire week, Gryffindor continued to celebrate their victory, resulting in Draco having a new bruise, cut, or bleed every time he entered the common room. He hadn't actually managed to get his hands on any of the players, so he was settling for attacking whoever mentioned the game to him. It didn't matter if it was before, after, or even during an exam, he'd have his hands on them before they could even finish the word 'Quidditch'. Juniper tried her hardest to be as mean as Draco wanted her to be. She turned her nose up, started rumours, purposely walked into, and laughed at the Quidditch team, despite them all being older than she was. She felt guilty and her heart wasn't in it, which they could tell. They brushed her off without a second thought, not even bothering to entertain it. By end of their final exam, he had a busted lip, and no one even looked his way, afraid he'd lay into them. Whereas everyone just thought less of Juniper, disappointed by how easily she was swayed into becoming a bully, they began calling her spineless. After their exams had finished, Juniper and Draco were a few metres ahead of the rest of their small group, hand-in-hand, on their way to dinner. The second that they had turned the corner, seeing the Gryffindor Quidditch team, minus Harry, Juniper's hand was dropped and Draco was advancing toward them. 

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