8. accio map

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Juniper had to skip breakfast the next morning and made it to potions with only a few seconds to spare. While she lucked out of Snape's interrogation, Draco wasn't going to let it go. In-between teasing Harry with Dementor impressions and actually doing work, he wouldn't stop asking Juniper why she was late, not accepting 'I overslept' as a solid answer. He was uncomfortably close to her face, asking why she overslept, when Ron flung a Crocodile heart toward the two, setting Draco off on an angry rampage, Snape took 50 points from Gryffindor just so he'd sit back down. He continued interrogating as they walked to their Defence the Dark Arts class, where Professor Lupin was back to teaching, dismissing the assignments the Snape had set last class.

"Were you with someone last night? I can find out if you were." Draco snarled in Junipers ear as she looked into the glass container that was being sent around the room, writing notes on the Hinkypunk's wispy appearance.

"What?" She hissed back at him. "I told you, I woke up on the couch- alone, I might add-  and went to bed. Nothing more and nothing less."

"I can find out if you're lying. I have eyes all around the school." He threatened again, shooing the Hinkypunk away.

"Ask them then. I didn't do anything." She rolled her eyes, trying to concentrate on her notes.

"Miss Jones!" Professor Lupin said from the front of the room. Everyone's eyes turned to her. "Can I ask you to sit next to Miss Granger please? You seem to be distracting Mr. Malfoy." He gave her a small smile. The room snickered as she grabbed her textbook and dropped it on the desk, sitting next to Hermione. Juniper noticed Hermione shuffle over in her seat, putting a significant distance between the two, as well as three sets of eyes staring at her.

"What?" She said, looking at Harry, Ron and Hermione. There was a brief silence before Hermione stuck her hand out.

"I'm Hermione." Hermione said, waiting for Juniper to shake her hand.

"I know. We've had classes together for three years." Juniper rolled her eyes, trying to get back to her work.

"I'm Ron. And that's Harry." Ron's voice cracked slightly.

"I know." Juniper repeated, getting annoyed. "We've had classes together for three years. Still." Hermione, Harry and Ron all looked at each other, not sure where to go from there.

"Would you like to sit with us at dinner? We're really nice." Hermione chirped, making Juniper drop her quill.

"Really humble too, I bet?" Juniper smiled sarcastically.

"Yeah, we're pretty humble, I'd say. Especially Harry, he's- ow." Ron was shut up by Harry's elbow jabbing him in the stomach. He noticed the smile on Juniper's face, realising the sarcasm behind it.

"I'm pretty set with my dinner arrangements, thanks though." Juniper rolled her eyes once more turning to her work, again.

"But if you need." Hermione whispered. "...then you can sit with us." Juniper's head turned towards her, looking Hermione up and down suspiciously.


"Just if you want some new friends," Hermione shrugged, before lowering her voice into almost a whisper. "Or if you want to get away from someone." Hermione widened her eyes and paused to gesture her head towards where Draco was sitting.  "Then we have a spot you can sit at."

"Hm." Juniper pretended to think, trying to stop herself from yelling out of rage. She leaned a little bit closer to Hermione and said in a low voice. "I don't know what kind of god or superiority or even saviour complex that all you Gryffindors seem to have, but you don't need to 'save me' or whatever you think you're doing, from something you don't know anything about." Juniper gave a fake smile while Professor Lupin dismissed the class for the day.

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