chapter two.

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Disclaimer: I do not own Mattheo Riddle but Mattheo Riddle owns me.

Once they arrived at the grounds their sight was flooded by a mix of green and white or red and black, wether it was flags, face paint or streamers, there was support on every corner of this campsite.

The high spirits and happiness was contagious and Amy found herself having a better time than she thought she would.

She had already seen a handful of other Hogwarts students like Lee Jordan, who was with his mother and telling her about all of the different brooms the Bulgarians have, and Seamus Finnagin who was drowned in green and white paint, cheering and singing along with many others with the same attire.

She also noticed how her mother and father had been whispering during their whole walk to the stadium and looking at other with an unreadable expression on their faces.

Before she could begin to think of reasons why, a body suddenly flung itself at her.

She recognised the brunette hair instantly.
It was her best friend Iris Hayes who was currently engulfing Amy in a hug so tight she thought it might actually break her spine.

She finally released her death grip upon the girl.
"I've missed you so much!" Said Iris very excitedly.
"I've missed you too!" Amy replied trying to match her excitement.
Amy wasn't allowed to have Iris round for obvious reasons so they were just stuck to writing to each other and sending two to three pages of gossip every week.
"All the boys have been on holiday so I've had no one to talk to" said Amy

"I know but you know what that means" Iris said holding back a smile.

"What?" Said Amy genuinely confused

"Well the boys are going to be tanned!" Iris said as though it was obvious.

Amy rolled her eyes playfully. Iris had always been the boy crazy one out of two and had a new boy falling for her every week. Amy had her fair share of crushes but nowhere near as many compared to Iris.

"Of course how did I not think of that" she said sarcastically

Before the conversation could go any further, Amy's dad butted in.
"Hello Iris, how have you been?" He said with fake enthusiasm looking down at the girl.
Unlike Amy's mother, he wouldn't straight up look at you like you were dirt but ask you simple things just so the people around him could laugh at you and your answers.

"Uh yeah, I've been good thank you" Iris replied with  a clear uncomfortable feeling.

"Good, are your parents here?" He asked looking around as though he didn't already know the answer.

"No my uh-my mother wouldn't have been able to see this anyway so there would have been no point" she said forcing laughter.

Amy just looked down, not wanting to be involved in this interaction at all.

"Ah yes well that's probably for the best" her dad said, trying to act like he cared

Amy looked up suddenly at him with a confused look.
Why would that be for the best? Everyone here is too happy to care about muggles

"Well we will be off then to find our seats" her dad said, pulling her out of her thoughts
"Lovely to see you as always Iris" he said with a smile that could not have been more fake.

"Can I stay here with Iris please? Just until the game starts" Amy asked internally praying for a yes.

Her parents look at each other actually debating it.

The girls stood there watching in hope.

"Well I don't see why not" her dad finally said
Amy and Iris let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"Just make sure you are back in time for the game, wouldn't want anything bad to happen now would we?" He said

So with that, Amy grabbed Iris' arm and started walking in the complete opposite direction of her parents.

"Well that wasn't uncomfortable" Iris said, trying to make light of the situation that just took place before them.

"I don't know what's up with them" Amy said feeling as though she could finally let out something she had been holding in all summer.
"Like this summer has been different, I hardly see them anymore and they are arguing a lot and I still don't know what this business trip is that my dad went on and why it's so secretive!" She let out, looking around she realised that the family next to them was staring at the girl looking very concerned and confused.

She realised she probably should have been a bit quieter.

Iris looked at her with sympathy.
"No I get it, well not completely of course" she said adding the last bit in quickly
"But my parents have been strange too, like my dad has hardly been at home and when he is he's not very approachable"

Iris' father worked in the Ministry as an Auror.
From the stories that she had told Amy, it sounded like a very intense job.

A minute passed and the two friends were just walking, lost in their thoughts til Amy finally spoke up breaking the silence
"So who are you here with?"

Iris then looked up at her and smiled
"Oh you know....just a certain Cedric Diggory" she said like she had been waiting to tell her the whole time.

"You're not serious." Amy replied with a mix of shock and speculation.

"As serious as I can be!" Iris replied with excitement
"Dad came home from work one night and said he had been talking to his father about the game and he offered to take me"

"Make sure Mattheo doesn't see" Amy said smirking knowing that this would get a reaction out of the girl.

"Oh shut up" Iris replied, hiding a smile
"Besides it's not even like that"

"Uh huh you keep telling yourself that hun" Amy said laughing

"Heard from Theo lately?" Iris asked

And just like that the mood changed.
The truth was that Amy hadn't heard from Theo all summer.

"No" Amy replied "but I get it because he is with his dad"

A wave of sadness washed over the girl as she thought about how much they had all missed out on over the summer.

She just couldn't wait to get back to school.

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