chapter twenty-six

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"Guys this is a terrible idea." Enzo says as Blaise poked his head round the corner to check if it is clear. He then walked forwards and signalled for the rest of us to follow.

"I know right" said Iris smiling. She was behind Blaise and had an excited bounce to her step. "That's what makes it so good."

The time was 10:32pm so if they were to get caught they would be murdered by Snape. But the good thing is that they never get caught.

As Amy was walking she looked behind her and saw Theo at the back with Mattheo.

She looked round to everyone else and saw the infectious good mood and she suddenly got a idea.

She turned around and walked towards Theo. She was trying to hold back her smirk.

Once she was about 2 inches away from him she put on a sweet smile. "What are you up to?" He asked, curious by her actions.

She didn't say anything and just stood next to him swaying from side to side. He stopped and was about to say something when Amy realised that this was her chance.

She tapped onto his arm and quickly sprinted away whilst shouting, "You're It!"

She dashed pass Blaise at the front and all the others had stopped to see what was going on.

She turned round and saw Theo smiling to himself and shaking his head. He then turned to Mattheo beside him and slammed his hand on his shoulder. "Sorry mate ." He said as he sprinted off too.

"Oh hell no." Iris said as she began running.

Mattheo rolled his eyes and began chasing after all of us.

We were all so excited that we forgot the fact that we were sneaking around.

"No guys!" Blaise shouted as we passed him, "I'm meant to be the corridor checker!"  He then ran after us to try and get to the front again.

"Tough luck Zabini." Mattheo said as he tagged him and ran towards the rest of us.

After a few more minutes of running and yelling at each other. We had finally arrived at the basement corridor where the painting of a fruit bowl hung.

"Right who's doing this then?" Amy asked

We all looked at each other silently then all shouted "shout-gun not!". Well, all apart from Blaise.

"Seriously?" He asked. He sighed and made his way over to the painting whilst mumbling "every time."

We all watched him and quietly laughed as he tickled the pear in the painting. "So fucking stupid." He said as he stepped back as the pear giggled and turned into a large green door handle.

Blaise pulled it opened and we all walking inside to the beloved kitchen.

All of the house elves stopped what they were doing and looked over but once they realised it was us they just rolled their eyes and carried on with what they were doing.

We all headed over to different fridges and cupboards to dig out some of our favourite foods.

Amy headed straight to the huge cookie jar on the counter and but once she got there she realised it was empty.

"Um I'm sorry Miss Griffin." Said a small squeaky voice. "But I'm about to refill the jar if that is ok?"

Amy turned round and saw a house elf who she immediately recognised. It was the Malfoy's old servant elf. She never knew why they got rid of him and Lucius claimed it was because he didn't need him anymore but Amy didn't believe that.

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