chapter seventy-six

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"Ok, so we know for sure that no one will be there?" Amy questioned once again.

Draco and Mattheo had just been given their first mission which included them going into Diagon Alley.

"Enzo's family are staying at their summer house in Cornwall so there's no chance of him being there" Theo informed them.

"Well, Iris' dad is an Auror so they're going to be under protection of the Order." Amy told them but she was mainly talking to Mattheo who nodded to her appreciatively.

"And I know mother has been talking to Miss Zabini so she won't let Blaise go anywhere." Draco added.

The reassurance of their friends being far away made them feel slightly better.

"I just don't understand what Ollivander has to do with any of this." Amy spoke truthfully as she rested her head against Theo's shoulder.

"I guess we're gonna find out." Mattheo said blankly as he got up. He patted Draco's back signalling that it was time for them to go.

Draco wasn't as good at covering up his fear and he hesitated before getting up.

They made their way to the door when Amy told them, "Be careful, okay?" She tried to cover up the anxiety in her voice.

The two boys managed to give a reassuring nod or smile before they left the room.

The silence in the room was filled with worrying thoughts about how it could all go wrong. Amy had to break that silence to stop her imagining the worst scenarios.

"When do you go home?" She asked in a quiet, some-what sad voice. She had avoided the topic of Theo leaving ever since he arrived, but as summer was ending she knew he would be going home soon so she couldn't avoid it anymore.

Al though Theo's face did not replicate the same sadness. He smiled and said, "Well, love, hopefully you'll be glad to hear that I'm not." As though he had been waiting to tell her.

She sprung up straight away. "Seriously?" She asked in excitement and disbelief.

Theo laughed at her excitement, "Seriously. I saw my dad last time he was here and told him not to expect me back."

"How did he take it?" Amy questioned cautiously.

"Don't know." He answered, "didn't stick around to see his reaction." He smiled at the memory as he was proud of disrespecting his father.

Amy smiled as she wished she saw the interaction. However she stopped imagining it as a voice on the other side of the door spoke,

"Cissy, I don't trust him!

The unusual seriousness in the tone made it take them a second to recognise it as Bellatrix.

"I don't care, Bella." Narcissa's voice seemed to be more composed but even more stern. She had no fear in challenging her sister.

Amy and Theo looked to each other with confused faces. What were they talking about? They remained silent in the hopes that they could find out.

"Ask one of the others like Avery or Mulciber!" Bellatrix told her.

"He is the only one who can protect them. Once they are back at school I cannot be there for them but he can. And he will help them, I will make sure of it." Narcissa snapped, her voice rising slightly.

She must have walked away as it went silent and the only thing Amy could hear were the questions in her mind. Was Snape going to help them? How could Narcissa guarantee that?

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