chapter four

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Disclaimer: you get it

"So they just didn't say anything about it?" Iris asked sitting opposite her stroking her black cat which was purring on her lap.

Amy told them how after the World Cup her parents hardly spoke to her and whenever she asked about it they would just send her to her room.

"Nope" said Amy looking out of the window watching the rain droplets slide down.

"Well I don't think my parents will ever let me leave the house again" Iris said, her full attention still on the feline.

"I'm sure you'll be fine" said Enzo who was looking down at his copy of the Daily Prophet

"No Enzo I'm serious, like they were on some mad shit, I'm surprised they even sent me back to school" she fired back

"Well thank god they did because what would we do without you Hayes?" Said Blaise sarcastically
Which resulted in Iris throwing one of Enzos sweets at him.

Amy tuned out of their bickering and looked at Theo next to Iris, and Mattheo next to her and wondering why the pair have been so quiet and couldn't help but think they knew something.

"So Griffin will you be putting your name forward?" Asked Blaise, pulling her out of her daydream

"Ask me again when I have a death wish" she replied , not even a beat later.

Blaise shook his head and laughed to himself
"Come on now don't be such pussys"
He turned to Iris
"What about you Hayes? You got balls?"

"For what?" She asked sounding very confused

Blaise sighed
"I forget how uneducated you are sometimes.
She just fake smiled at him

"The Triwizard Tournament" interjected Enzo in a much more politer tone than Blaise
"It's where different Wizarding schools come together and one student from each school has to compete in three different tasks to win the Triwizard Cup." He simplified

"Yeah and win 1000 galleons" Blaise adds as though it is the most important factor

"You're joking?" Said Iris in disbelief

"Would I joke about something so amazing?" Blaise said in all seriousness.

"No" Mattheo replied bluntly before Iris could even get a word out

"Speaking for her Riddle?" Blaise asked clearly amused

"She's not doing it." He replied somehow even more blunt than before. "None of you are, people die in that shit."

And with that the compartment fell silent, not touching on that topic again.


After a very uncomfortable hour and a half, the train finally arrived at Hogsmede Station and all of the students were beginning to pile out.

"I just don't see his problem" Iris started as they walked outside in the rain to get into a carriage.
"Like I don't need him speaking for me and what if I did want to compete huh, then what?" She ranted on

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