chapter sixty-five

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"You're what?"

"We're coming with you." He repeated.

Amy was looking at them all as they seemed ok with the idea. "You guys can't, it's too -"

"Dangerous?" Blaise finished for her.

"Well, yeah, we don't know how many death eaters will be there and -." Amy started as she tried to reason with them.

"That's exactly why we're coming with you." Enzo told her.

"You think I'm going to let you go with Weasley and Longbottom helping you?" Theo asked sarcastically.

Amy knew that there was no way of convincing them out of this. They all looked sure and some what prepared for what they were getting into. "Fine." She sighed, "but if any of you die, I'll kill you."

She turned around to face Snape, who was not looking so amused. "I hate to break this joyous moment, but I'll have you know that none of you will be going." He said.

"Wait what?" Iris accidentally blurted out.

Snape walked into his office while Amy followed closely behind. Before the others could take a step in, Snape swished his wand and the door shut behind her.

Amy looked back to the now locked door as she heard knocking. "What are you -"

"You will go to Grimmuald Place and alert the order."

"But I thought you did?" She asked.

"I alerted Lucius Malfoy." He said casually.

"You what?" Amy asked, her confusing rising as each minute passed. "Why would you do that?"

"Miss Griffin, it seems to have slipped your mind that I am a double agent." He explained. "You can use my floo network to travel there."

"What about the others?" She asked.

"I will explain it to them." He said.

"But I can't go without them -"

"Go to Grimmuald Place and come straight back." He demanded. "You won't be gone for long."

Amy froze for a minute, thinking everything through. Alert the Order and come straight back she kept telling herself over and over again.

She grabbed a handful of floo powder that was next to the fire place. She stepped in as Snape watched her carefully. "Twelve Grimmauld Place," she spelled out clearly as she threw the powder to the floor. In a flash of green embers and a whirlwind of dust, she found herself in the familiar dark walls of the Black house.

She brushed the dust off of her legs as she wished she had stopped and changed out of her uniform before she left.

Lupin came crashing into the room and his shoulders relaxed as he saw the blonde girl. "Amy, what's the meaning of this?"

She stepped out of the fireplace and approached him. "It's Harry, he's gone to the Prophecy to save Sirius from Voldermort, we need to help him." She explained frantically.

"What are you talking about? Sirius is here." Lupin told her.

Almost as though he had been waiting for his cue, Sirius walked into the room looking equally as confused. "Amy." He smiled. "As lovely as it is to see you, shouldn't you be at school?"

Amy knew she should have felt relived to see Sirius in the safety of his own home. But she wasn't, because that meant the others were heading into a trap.

"Sirius, Harry thinks Voldermort has you. He's gone looking for you." She said as she began to stress.

Sirius' smile immediately dropped. "Gone where?" He asked.

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