chapter sixteen

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"I mean what is up his ass lately?" Iris asked as she walked up and down the aisle were Amy was currently sat at.

"That's just him" Amy said rubbing her head, she has been listening to her friend rant for ten minutes now.

"No but it's always me" Iris said suddenly coming to a halt. "I mean he never talks to any of you like that" she sat down next to her and took a deep breath. "Is it because I'm..." she trailed off

Amy sat up immediately knowing where this was going."No, absolutely not. Don't ever think any of us would treat you any differently because of your blood status and if he does I will throw him off the Astronomy Tower."

Iris laughed at her friend telling her how far she would go to defend her.

She suddenly caught her eye on something behind Amy.

Amy turned round and saw none other than Harry Potter, sitting all alone with a few books stacked up around him, looking very tired.

"Is he okay?" Iris whispered

"How am I supposed to know?" Amy whispered back

They looked back at him to see he was looking right back at them. oops maybe they were louder than they thought.

"You uh....all good there Potter?" Iris asked awkwardly to which he replied with a thumbs up, but his expression didn't quite match.

Amy rolled her eyes at her friends attempt and got up and sat right next to him.

"Hi" she said with a warm smile.

"Uh..hi" he replied, suddenly very nervous.

Amy noticed his change of mood and internally smirked, she knew he had a crush on her last year and it was a pretty good flex, the boy-who-lived thinks I'm fit.

"So what's up with you and Weasley?" She asked with no filter whatsoever.

He was taken aback, "uh what do you mean?"

"Well I saw how he wasn't sticking up for you in potions and I thought that was unusual as he is supposed to be your best friend"

He sighed and gave in "it's just...he doesn't believe me about all of this...he thinks...he thinks I put my name in" he replied sadly

"You're kidding?" She asked very surprised by the ginger boy

Harry just shook his head.

"Well I can tell you this" she said leaning forwards, "your friends think Pureblood Slytherins are evil and mean and whatever, but if I was you, I know for a fact my friends would believe me and back me to the end of the earth no matter what."

They turned round to see Iris trying to balance a quill on her head but failing miserably.

Amy sighed and turned back to Harry "even if they are not the brightest lot."

He laughed at her comment, he felt weirdly comfortable venting to the intimidating girl yet he felt a sense of understanding from her.
"Yeah I guess you lot aren't that bad" he said with a smile

"But Weasley will sort himself out and come back to you , I mean, does he even have other friends?" She asked

Harry shook his head and let out a quiet laugh. Amy smiled and knew her job was done. She stood up and ruffled his hair, then joined her friend.

"You just have a way with words" Iris said to her mockingly.

Amy just threw her quill at her.


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