chapter fourty-four

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The warm ray of the sun was what woke her up. Amy opened her eyes slightly and saw how the curtains were open. Iris must be up already. She closed her eyes and snuggled into her pillow. She was so close to slumber until she felt a pounding in her head. It had felt as though she had drunk a whole bottle of fire whiskey. Then she remembered, she did drink a whole bottle of fire whiskey. She let out a groan at the thought of her stupidity.

"Iris.." she mumbled, her eyes still closed, "can you bring me some of them muggle tablets you have please?"

There was silence for a minute then a voice finally answered. "Sure."

Amy frowned slightly. Damn, Iris must have drunk a lot last night for her voice to sound like that.

A few seconds later she heard footsteps approaching her bed. She put her arm out and opened her hand to take them. "Thanks." She said.

Once she realised that their was still nothing in her hand she slowly opened her eyes. "Iris can you just give them to me please."

However, once they were fully open she saw the face of Blaise Zabini smiling straight at her.

The sight made her jump and call out in fear although, she accidentally jumped backwards and fell off the bed. Blaise roared out in laughter. She groaned, rubbing her already sore head.

"Blaise what the fuck are you doing in my dorm?!" She asked, still feeling her heart race.

Once he finally stopped laughing he sat down on the bed and looked down at her. "I think you'll find that you are in my dorm sister."

Amy furrowed her eyebrows, confused for a second. Until she looked around and realised that she was very much in his dorm.  She looked down and realised she was wearing one of Theo's hoodies.

"Where are the others?" She asked, brushing off her legs as she got up.

"Down at breakfast." He replied, "I said it was way too fucking early so they decided I should wait for you."

"How kind of you." She said bluntly.

"You're welcome, now can you get dressed so we can go?" He asked sounding annoyed.

Amy grabbed her clothes from Mattheos bed as she flipped him off and headed to her own dorm.


It didn't take her too long to get ready but she put on a bit more makeup than usual to hide any signs of a hangover. 

Once she looked socially acceptable, she headed down to the common room to see Blaise waiting for her.  "About time woman." He mumbled as they headed out.

"So what was the reason for your sleepover in our dorm?" Blaise asked as they walked through the castle.

Amy avoided eye contact with him, she couldn't tell him the truth about Mattheo. "I think I was so pissed I didn't even realise where I was going." She lied.

"Wish I was awake to see that." Blaise said, buying the lie.

The two had reached the main doors and walked into the ever lively hall. Amy noticed how many slytherins seemed to look pretty rough and it made her feel slightly better about herself.

When they found their group, Amy saw how her usual seat next to Iris was taken by Mattheo so she took a seat opposite them, next to Theo. "How you feeling?" He asked her teasingly.

"Just great." She replied sarcastically.

Theo let out a laugh as he pushed a plate towards her filled with pancakes and strawberries. "You're favourite." He added.

She couldn't help but smile at him. "You're whipped aren't you." She said.

"No." He scoffed. Amy just raised her eyebrows and started to eat her breakfast. She looked up to see Iris watching Mattheo warily. She caught Amy's eye and hesitated for a moment before smiling at her.

"Are you guys nervous for tryouts?" Enzo asked, aiming the question at the boys.

"No." Theo replied confidently, "we've been on the team since third year, tryouts for us is just securing our spots." He explained.

"And no one could replace us." Blaise stated, "right Mattheo?"

Mattheo suddenly looked up at the mention of his name, "What was that?" He asked.

"Boy you have been out of it today." Blaise said, "you better get you act together otherwise someone might replace you."

"Blaise shut up." Iris said simply.

"I'm obviously kidding." He stated, looking between the two curiously.

"Well all of you are going to be replaced if you are late." Amy said, causing the boys to check the time.

"Shit." Theo said, quickly finishing his breakfast and getting up. "I'll see you down there." He told Amy as he kissed her on the head and left, the other two following behind.

"We should probably go too." Iris said getting up.

Amy ate her last strawberry and followed after the brunette.


The Slytherin stands were a lot busier then they were yesterday, mostly full of girl watching the boys they like play Quidditch.

"Are these girls every going to stop obsessing over Malfoy?" Amy asked as she looked away from the excited group of girls waving to the blond.

She looked to Iris and saw how she was watching the game cautiously. "Iris?" She caught the girls attention as she turned to her. "Yeah?"

"Is there something going on with you and Mattheo?" She didn't mean to ask, it just kind of slipped out.

Iris' eye widened at the sudden question, "I- uh.....nothing." She said not too convincingly.

"What happened last night?" Amy asked softly.

Iris hesitated for a minute then sighed, "there's just a lot going on with him at the moment and he just...needed someone." She said quietly.

"Or maybe...he just needed you.." Amy replied smiling. Iris turned to her, "Maybe he just needed me." She agreed and couldn't help but smile.

The two girls looked out to the pitch to see Theo and Mattheo looking right back at them. The two boys waved in sync causing the girls to laugh and wave back.

After an hour of Amy and Iris obsessing over their boys, tryouts were finally over and the girls were waiting outside the pitch for them.

"Here they are ." Amy called out.

The boys were now changed out of their uniforms and were in casual clothing.

"Where did Berkshire go?" Blaise asked.

"Library." Iris replied.

"Well I'm glad one of us is going to pass our OWLS." Theo said.

"So how do you guys think you did?" Iris asked as they began walking up to the castle.

"I think it's safe to say no one is taking our places." Theo said confidently. Amy couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully. Apparently Theo caught sight of it, "what? Was I that bad?" He asked. "I'll decide that after your first game." She replied smiling.

"When is that?" Iris asked

"Next week." Mattheo answered, "against the Gryffindors." He added with a smirk.

"Great." Iris said sarcastically.

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