chapter twenty-four

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The next few weeks went by nice and quickly. Mainly because the tension between the group had cleared and Amy and Theo were getting closer and closer. The twos relationship was now common knowledge in the school.

It was now two days before the final task and the students seemed to be in high spirits.

The six Slytherins were currently seated in their usual spot under their tree, trying to get as much shade as possible.

"So that is why I believe that 10 things I hate about you is the best film to ever bless our screens." Iris said finishing her mini presentation to us.

"I mean I can't disagree" Amy said

"Exactly!" Iris said, "it has the best relationship in it"

"I would disagree" Blaise said sitting up, "the best film relationship is Sandy and Danny."

"Are you kidding me?" Iris asked defensively, "he was an arse to her, he only liked her once she changed, if he really loved her then he would have loved her for who she was."

"Didn't he get payed to take her out in the other film?" Enzo asked her

"Yes, but it wasn't about the money because he fell in love with her" Iris said dreamily as she leaned onto Amy's shoulder dramatically.

"What do you think Amy?" Enzo asked, trying to end this debate.

They all turned to her as she thought about her answer. She suddenly smirked knowing what to say.

"Jack and Rose." She said simply.

Everyone immediately groaned or rolled their eyes.

"What?" Amy asked

"That is so basic" Blaise said

"Yeah they didn't even end up together." Iris agreed

"Because he died!" Amy defended.

"They so could have both got on that door" Iris said

Amy just rolled her eyes at her friends stupidity.

"Well isn't this sweet" said a cold voice.

They turned round to see Draco Malfoy approaching them, being followed by Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy.

"Piss off Malfoy" Theo said, not even looking at him.

Draco smirked in amusement. "Calm down Nott, I just came here to let you guys know."

"Know what?" Blaise asked

"About the party tonight." Pansy butted in with an unflattering expression.

"For what?" Enzo asked in a bored voice.

"You know, just for the end of the Tournament," Draco said smugly, "and to Potter loosing." He added

"Sounds great" Iris said sarcastically

"You don't have to come." Pansy snapped, "it would be better if it was just Purebloods anyway."

"Aw sweet an inbred party! It would be like a cute little family reunion" Iris replied with a fake smile. Making the rest do the group laugh.

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