chapter twenty-one

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After a few hours of dancing with everyone, well except Theo, Amy was now on the dance floor with Blaise, Enzo, Luna and Mattheo. Iris was hanging round with Cedric, Hermione and Krum.

"Hayes get here!" Blaise yelled across the crowd.

She looked over to us and debated it for a second. She then began walking over.

Mattheo turned to Amy, "I'm going to get a drink" he said flatly. She just patted his back as he walked past.

"Gonna finally admit to you and Diggory?" Blaise asked

Iris looked to him then to Amy.
"Yeah I guess I am." She said with a smile.

Blaise first bumped the air. "I knew it!"

She then turned to Amy, "what about you?" She asked

Amy stopped immediately, "what about me?" She asked genuinely confused.

"Oh come on" Iris laughed, "you and Mattheo?" She raised an eyebrow, "I mean you have always been very close to him so I guess we should have seen it coming."

Blaise and Enzo stood still and looked at the two girls wondering where this could possibly go. Luna was still dancing on her own next to the boys.

"Are you annoyed at me because I came here with Mattheo?" Amy asked in disbelief.

Iris just shrugged, "well I just thought you would tell me about something like this."

"What do you mean like this?" Amy fired back getting annoyed, "nothing is happening between me and Mattheo but if there was then that's nothing to do with you."

Iris was about to say something until she was cut off by Enzo.

"Oh shit guys," he started

"Not right now Enzo" Iris replied still looking at Amy

"No look" he said pointing past them.

They all turned round to see Theo and Mattheo in a heated argument and it looked as though one of them could throw a punch at any moment.

Enzo and Blaise ran over there and pushed them away from each other.

Amy and Iris followed closely behind.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Riddle!" Theo yelled as Enzo pushed him off

"It's not my fault that you were too scared to ask!" Mattheo shot right back while being held back by Blaise.

"Guys what the fuck is going on?" Amy asked

Theo then turned to her, "Why don't you ask your boyfriend." He said coldly.

Amy scoffed, "really you too?" She asked getting more pissed off then she already was. "Why does everyone care so much?"

Theo just looked to her and Mattheo then turned around and left.

Amy turned to the rest of the group, "anyone else got anything to say?" She asked harshly. She looked to Iris. "You done?"

Iris just looked to her and was debating wether to speak or not.

"Iris come with me and Luna and Amy stay here with Mattheo and Blaise." Enzo said calmly, trying to take charge of the situation. He walked back to the floor towards Luna.

Iris looked between Amy and Mattheo. She then turned around and followed Enzo.

"What happened with you two?" Mattheo asked Amy and he watched Iris.

"Doesn't matter." Amy said. "I'm going to go get some air" she said and walked straight out of the hall.


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