chapter fifty-one

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It was well past midnight by now, and Amy was pacing around outside the entrance to the Slytherin common room, thinking about what she will say.

Her friends knew about her connection to the Order but not her commitment. Theo never really liked the friendship her and Harry shared but this wasn't about Harry. It was about her. And how she will do anything in her power to stop herself going down the same route as her parents. And if she gets close enough to those in the order, she could convince them to let Theo stay with her and prevent him from going down that path.

She stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath as she mumbled the password for the common room.

The door had formed and swung open. She could see that the fireplace will still lit and the silhouettes of her friends.

When they saw her, they stood up and walked over to her and immediately started firing questions.

"What was that about?" Blaise asked.

"What took you so long?" Enzo questioned.

"Are you okay?" Theo asked.

"Is it about the Order?" Iris asked impatiently.

"Is it about him?" Mattheo asked, sounding worried.

"Whoa one a time guys." Amy said laughing nervously.

They all took a step back, apart from Theo. Who asked her again. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I promise." She told him and attempted to give him a smile.

She turned back to everyone else who were waiting for answers. Amy quickly looked around and saw how the room was empty.

"Harry had a dream that Mr Weasley got attacked." She said.

"Attacked? By who?" Theo asked.

"He doesn't know exactly." She said, "but he said it was a snake.."

She saw them all look at each other nervously and Mattheo ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Mattheo.." she said, "does he...have..." she didn't have to finish her question, he knew what she was asking.

"yeah.." he said, barely above a whisper.

There was a moment of silence between them all. They knew he was back. But they hoped they would have more time before someone they knew were attacked.

"Mr Weasley.." Enzo said warily, "is he..."

"I don't know." Amy answered honestly. "But they've gone to see him now."

"And what about you?" Iris asked, "are you going?"

Amy hesitated. She looked round and her eyes landed on Theo, who looked as though he already knew the answer.

"I told them I would..."she said looking down.

"Amy." Enzo interrupted, "it's fine."

Amy couldn't help but think that it wasn't fine.

"Our first Christmas in four years where we are not all together." Blaise said quietly.

Amy was still looking down, she couldn't bring herself to look at Theo right now, but she could feel him staring at her.

"We'll let you guys talk." Mattheo said clearly reading the room as he lead the others away and towards the dorms.

"How long will you be gone for?" Theo asked barely above a whisper.

"not long.." Amy said as she looked up at met his grey eyes.

Amy could feel the tension between the two right now, and she hated it.

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