chapter fifteen

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There was no applause. Every pair of eyes in the Hall was set on the famous boy-who-lived who sat there like a deer in headlights.

"Harry Potter!" He called again. "Harry! Up here, if you please!"

He got to his feet and started walking to the front table.

The silence was then broken by a student sitting behind them shouting "CHEAT!"
This seemed to start off a crowd of protests.
"He's not even seventeen yet!"

Amy couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. She sat next to him last year in transfiguration and he was very sweet and humble. He even admitted how much he hates the attention he gets and she couldn't blame him.

He then slipped away into the chamber.

"The rest of you!" Dumbledore suddenly spoke up , "off to bed now!"

And with that people started piling out and gossiping to their friends about how they think Harry's name got in there.


"I mean he must have snuck it in there in the middle of the night" Blaise said confidently as he paced around the girls room.

They all decided to chill in their for a while as it was too early to sleep.

"Don't be stupid Blaise you saw what happened to the Weasley twins" Enzo said trying to calm him down

"No no thats different" Blaise said as he suddenly stopped

They all looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"And how might that be?" Theo asked

"Well Potter is...Potter all special and some sort of celebrity, so the Goblet must of just...allowed it.." he said not sounding too confident anymore

Amy just looked down onto the bed trying to contain her laughter at her friends theory

"So you think the Goblet allowed it because people know who Harry is" Iris said questioning every word.

"Yes exactly!" Blaise said clearly not understanding the sarcasm, "I mean I bet that Goblet had heard of him before!" He said walking back round tapping his finger on his chin adding to his terrible idea.

"Blaise mate, sit down you are gonna hurt yourself" Mattheo said shaking his head

"I mean why couldn't it have been one of us?" Blaise asked, lying down and facing the ceiling.

"Because God has decided to let us live another year" Iris replied flatly.

"He clearly didn't come to the same decision for your boyfriend" Blaise shot right back

"That's not funny Blaise you should be showing every ounce of support that you can muster" she replied mockingly, repeating Dumbledores words of earlier in the evening.

"So he is your boyfriend" Blaise said smirking

Amy couldn't be bothered to listening to their bickering so she laid down on her bed and closed her eyes, until she felt the mattress sink next to her and the weight of someone else sitting down.

She opened her eyes to see Theo who looked just as tired as she did.

"Hey" he said


"Weird night huh?" He asked

"As always" she said

"Cant seem to ever be normal here"

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