chapter sixty-eight

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Before she knew it, a few days had passed. And they hadn't been as terrible as she anticipated. There was no clocks or calendars in her room so she had no concept of time or days.  Her parents had came back with a few of her belongings which Amy was extremely grateful for, and Narcissa had kept her company as she would bring her meals every day and would even invite her to dine with her if there was no one else there. However, nothing pulled her thoughts away from Theo and how she wished she could see him or at least talk to him so he knows she's okay.

It was currently dark outside and Amy had just finished her meal in her room as Narcissa informed her that there would be people over so Amy made sure to stay clear of them. She was about to change into her night clothes when she heard a sound from the other side of the door. Telling herself that it was just someone passing by, she carried on walking towards her wardrobe. Until she heard it again.

Her room was tucked into a far corner of the Manor so it was uncommon for someone to accidentally stumble upon it. She stopped her movement straight away to try and get a better hearing. She stood there frozen for a few minutes until it was silent but she still felt uneasy.

She cursed her curiosity as she walked towards her door. She looked down to the handle and had an internal debate. Before realising, she had unlocked it and pushed it open. She could feel her heartbeat in her ears as the only time she had left her room had been with Narcissa.

She looked out down the short corridor to be revealed with....nothing. She sighed with relief as she looked around the empty corridor. However something caught her eye. By the end of the corridor, there was a large painting. As Amy got closer, she worked it out to be a family tree much like the one at Grimmuald Place. She looked to it and saw many names she didn't recognise. The one that stood out to her was Andromeda Black, the sister of Narcissa and Bellatrix. Out of the many conversations Amy had with Narcissa, not once did she mention a second sister. It slightly reminded her of her mothers sister Adelaide who seems to be forgotten by most. Amy's mind wondered into what could have possibly happened to her. Her mind was so full, she didn't notice the same creaking sound make its way back to the corridor.


Her heart felt as though it had dropped out and fell down to the bottom floor of the Manor. She involuntarily took a step back and turned round to see who could have possibly noticed her.

However, the relief hit her like a cold breeze on a hot summer day when she saw who was at the other end.

"Mattheo?" She breathed out.

He looked at her as though he was seeing a ghost. She wasted no time in running to him and hugging him which he quickly returned. "This is where you've been?" He asked, suddenly sounding panicked.

As she let go of him she noticed that he was not alone. Draco was stood next to him looking equally as confused. She looked back to Mattheo and could tell that he was about to start firing questions at her so she grabbed his arm and pulled him into her room making sure she locked the door behind her.

Before he could get a word out, Amy just asked him. "Is he okay?"

Mattheo didn't need her to clarify who she was talking about. He sighed and answered, "Not great considering he watched his girlfriend get kidnapped."

He watched  as the worry filled her face. "When we got back, he was rightfully furious....and kind of took it out on Potter."

Amy's eyes widened. "He what?"

Mattheo quickly defended. "Hey, it wasn't too bad....only a broken nose....and other injuries."

Amy stopped him right away. "You're telling me Theo had a fight with Harry?"

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