chapter seventy

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"He what?" She questioned, hoping that she wasn't hearing this right.

"He doesn't know." Mattheo repeated.

"And you didn't think to tell him?" She asked in disbelief.

"We didn't know either." He explained. "It was only when we got here that Narcissa told us that Voldemort wants us to find a third person."

"And when Theo's dad heard he was more than happy to volunteer him." Draco added with a lace anger.

Her confusion quickly turned to anger. How could you volunteer your own child to be a death eater.

"Voldemort is coming here...tomorrow to tell us exactly what to do." Mattheo said nervously as he avoided eye contact with the girl.

A heavy silence fell onto the three of them. Amy had a million thoughts racing through her mind but she couldn't think straight as she feared for Theo. She looked to the boys and saw Draco looking slightly confused but quickly covering it up.

"When will Theo be here?" She managed to ask.

"Next week." Mattheo answered. "He thinks he is just staying here for a while like he always does."

Amy felt her heart ache for Theo more every second. She couldn't process the idea of Theo being a death eater. "And there's nothing we can do?" She asked, but she already knew the answer.

"No." Mattheo replied emotionlessly. "Voldemort knows that it's me, Draco and Theo."

She looked to Draco and saw how he was also avoiding eye contact with her. She couldn't help but think that the two knew more than they were letting on.

"Amy he knew this would happen eventually." Mattheo said as an attempt to make her feel better.

"But it doesn't have to." She replied straight away. "If there was a way we could tell him and stop him from coming here and -"

"It's too late." He said calmly.

She was taken off guard by the lack of panic in Mattheo's voice. "How are you so calm about this? There's no going back after this." She asked frustratedly.

"Because I've always known what my life would look like." He snapped. "And so has Theo. And we tried for so long to keep you and Iris out of it and it's bad enough that you're here right now. Me and Theo knew this would happen one day, we just wished it wouldn't be this soon. But if it means that it would keep you guys safe and stop it happening to you, then we would do it any day. So please, just let us do this, for you and for Iris and Blaise and Enzo."

Amy didn't mean to look so shocked but she couldn't help it. Mattheo Riddle, the person everyone would cower in fear from had just confessed that everything he was doing was for his friends. Amy always knew he wasn't as scary as he was made out to be and he put on an act to hide his true feelings but she never thought that he would opening admit to it, especially infront of Draco Malfoy.

She could tell that he had shocked himself as he ran a hand through his hair and she saw he had a slight expression of regret before he turned away from the two.

His distressed cause Amy to feel a wave of guilt. He was going through enough anyway and didn't need her coming in shouting and questioning him.

"Shit, Mattheo I'm sorry." She said softly. "I'm just worried about you guys."

"It's better us than you." He answered, still not facing her.

After nearly 16 years of knowing him, Amy knew when Mattheo was pissed off and the bluntness and lack of eye contact was all she needed to know that he wanted her gone.

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