chapter sixty-nine ;)

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After the incident with Lucius, Amy didn't leave her room, not even for meals.

She would still feel the ghost of the curse every time she moved and could see the dark, demonic eyes of Voldemort every time she closed her eyes.

She was sitting at her bay window, which gave her a view of the surrounding areas of the Manor, as she heard her door open. Narcissa was understanding about Amy's reasonings for not leaving her room and wouldn't stay around to pester her with questions. So when she didn't hear the door close after, she turned around and was surprised to see someone else standing there.

"Mum?" She asked as she stood up in surprise.

"Oh, Amy." She sighed as she approached her and embraced her in a hug.

The sudden affectation surprised her as it wasn't common.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't here sooner." She said as she let her go.

"It's not your fault." Amy answered.

"It won't happen again, I've brought all of you belongings including you wand." She explained as she looked to the new suitcases that Amy had just noticed.

"Thank you." She replied as she watched her mother as she could tell something was off. "Are you okay?" She eventually asked her.

Her mother was avoiding eye contact with her. "It's nothing, just." She hesitated for a moment. "It's just, that when I was packing your things..I found this." She reached into the pocket of her long coat and unfolded a piece of paper. Amy was confused for a moment until she saw what it was.

It was the picture that Sirius gave to her at the station. The picture of him and her mother.

Amy had forgotten all about it until now. The sight of Sirius ripped open the wound inside that was just starting to heal. She had to look away before she started to cry. Her mother placed it back into her pocket.

"Is that Remus in the photo too?" Amy asked, trying to distract her.

Her mother smiled before answering, "yes, you would never find one of them without the other."

"Like Theo and Mattheo." Amy said, smiling softly.

She could feel her mother watching her after the mention of Theo.

"Or Blaise and Enzo." Amy continued. Her mother laughed lightly. "We really do know how to pick out the best friends." She said.

For a moment, Amy felt understanding from her mother and realised that they are more alike than she thought.

"I really miss him." Amy confessed as she looked down. She felt a hand being placed on her cheek. "I know you do dear but it's not long until his arrival."

Her head snapped up at she watched her mother retract her hand as her face dropped for a second. "He's coming here?" Amy questioned. Her mother paused for a second, thinking about what to say.

"Well, his father is very close to Lucius." She explained slowly.

Amy watched her carefully, trying to see if there was any signs of bluffing.

" Why didn't Mattheo didn't tell me that?" She asked

"I wouldn't question the actions of the Dark Lord's son too much." Her mother sighed.

Amy couldn't help but roll her eyes at her. "Are you staying?" She asked bluntly.

"Unfortunately your father still needs me." She replied. "But I'll be here more often now."

Amy bit back a sarcastic comment.

Her mother stood up ran her hand through her hair and walked over to the door and looked back to Amy who was still sat on the bed. "I'll be back soon. Promise to stay out of trouble?" She asked.

"Yeah, promise." Amy replied, trying to sound as convincing as possible. She must have done a pretty good job as her mother smiled at her. "Remember love you." She said as she opened the door.

"Love you too." Amy replied with a smaller smile. The two held eye contact for a moment longer before her mother walked out of the room and shut the door behind her.

Amy made sure that the sound of heels tapping on the floor was long gone before she shot up from her bed and headed straight out of her room.


The sound of her knocking on Mattheo's door echoed through the hallway. A few seconds later, the door opened but it wasn't Mattheo on the other side of it.

"What are you banging around for?" Draco asked.

She ignored him and just pushed past him. She stood in the middle of the room and looked around for Mattheo. "Wheres -" she was about to ask until she was cut off by the sound of the bathroom door opening, revealing the person she was looking for.

"Why didn't you tell me Theo was coming here?" She questioned straight away.

He initially looked confused but then covered it up. "Well hello to you too." He said as he passed her and sat on his bed.

"I'm serious." She said, sounding more annoyed. "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

He didn't make eye contact with her. Instead he looked to Draco who nodded at him.

He hesitated before he sighed and looked to her. He eventually spoke up, "Because then I'd have to tell you about the plan."

Amy just felt herself getting more confused by the second and her expression displayed that as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What? What plan? What are you talking about?"

"Last summer, we got told that me and Draco would become.....death eaters.." Mattheo explained, saying the last word just above a whisper.

"What?" Amy accidentally blurted out of surprise and shock. The two boys were just looking down as though it was the first time they spoke about it. "So..are you two..." she trailed off.

"Not yet." Mattheo replied.

As bad as she felt for them, she couldn't help but be grateful about her parents deal and making her avoid this situation.

There was a heavy silence between the three of them until Draco spoke up. "When we get back to school....we have to......"

Amy looked to him and waited for him to finish but he couldn't do it.

"We have to kill Dumbledore." Mattheo said.

Amy's jaw slightly dropped. Kill Dumbledore? How will two teenage boys kill one of the greatest wizards of their time. "Wait hold on," she said. "So you two are becoming death eaters and then....killing Dumbledore?" She asked as though she wasn't hearing any of this right.

Mattheo took a deep breath before answering. "No." He replied. "Me, Draco.....and Theo are becoming death eaters and then killing Dumbledore."

Amy felt her heart drop. None of it made sense. Theo? The most caring and loving person she knew becoming a death eater? It wasn't right.

"No, no that's not true." She said. "He-he would have told me."

Mattheo closed his eyes as though he was about to regret what he was going to say. "Amy," he said. "He doesn't know."

And that heart of hers that just dropped then felt like it broke into a million pieces.

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