chapter fifty-seven

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"Enzo, what in Merlin's beard are you reading?"

The next morning, the group weren't too eager to get up early so around midday they eventually made their way to The Great Hall for lunch.

"It's Luna's dads paper." He replied as he picked up something called 'The Quibbler'.

"So I'm guessing you two are back together?" Blaise asked, causing Enzo to roll his eyes and put the paper down. "Hey its okay Berkshire," He continued. "You can tell us about your undying love for blondie, we don't judge."

"Yeah, I think I'll pass." Enzo replied bluntly.

"I should be a therapist." Blaise said, ignoring Enzo.

"We all know Enzo is the therapist of the group." Amy informed, to which the rest of them nodded to.

"Yeah, stick to your role please Blaise." Iris added.

"We have roles?" Theo asked.

"Yes," She replied. "We all bring something different, that's why we're the perfect friend group." She explained.

"Let me set this out for you pretty boy." Blaise butted in. "I bring the looks and comedy....and that's it because I carry this group."

"You wish." Amy said, earning a glare from the boy.

Amy then felt a tap on her arm, She looked up to see Iris pointing towards the Gryffindor table. She followed her eyeline and saw Harry sat silently just staring into space.

"What about it?" She asked, confused by why she drew her attention to it.

"Look at the Ravenclaw table." Iris added. So she did, and there she saw Cho Chang looking sad as her friends surrounded her whilst giving Harry dirty looks. She suddenly realised what Iris was getting at.

"They lasted long." She said and couldn't help but feel happy at the sight of the sad Ravenclaw.

"So what are our plans for this fine Sunday?" Blaise asked the group.

"I need to go to the library before Professor Cooper kicks me out the class." Iris said not sounding too happy.

"She's not going to kick you out." Mattheo told her.

"She's hates me because I'm the only non-Pureblood in there." She explained.

"That's what you get for taking an extra subject." Blaise said.

"I bring the intelligence to the group." She replied.


"Oh! I've got a good one." Blaise called out.

After eating, Iris went to the library so the others were doing laps round the school when Blaise suggested a game of 'Would you rather'.

"Ok so, would you rather spend the summer at Malfoy Manor or at Hogwarts with just Umbridge?" He asked.

"Well I spend my summers with the Malfoys so unfortunately it would be no different for me." Mattheo answered.

"Yeah I'm with Riddle." Theo agreed. "You eventually learn how to tune out whenever Draco starts talking." Causing the rest of the boys to nod.

"Are you guys mental?" Amy asked

"What? You'd rather stay here with Umbridge?" Theo teased.

"At least I could avoid her, I know many secret places thanks to you guys and your pranks." She defended.

"You wouldn't want to stay with the lovely Malfoys?" Blaise asked sarcastically.

"Please, if I am ever stuck there for a summer just kill me." She responded.

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